Saturday, January 16, 2010

HAPPINESS - Health Blogarithm - Sunday 17th January 2010

Abraham Lincoln said something to the effect that most people are about as happy as they want to be.

We live in a society where a lot of people don't seem to be all that happy, but they can't put their finger on the reason for their unhappiness. If you fit into the unhappy category, reboot your happiness centre by doing some of the things happy people do.

1. Increase the amount of physical activity you do - get your heart rate up
The first thing to do is reset your metabolism. One of the foundations of happiness is a metabolic system that's in top working order. If you don't get enough aerobic exercise you can feel like this.

Once you start exercising you get more oxygen into your body, you start releasing 'feel-good' endorphins from your brain, you give the limbic centre of your brain a boost, you get out of your body the waste products of your metabolism you can do better without. As a result, your mood changes, you feel happier.

What the exercise does is give you a metabolic defrag.

The exercise-led recovery takes about a week to kick in.

Start slowly, ease into it, don't bust your boiler. Walking is a good place to start. It's pretty hard to injure yourself just by walking.

2. Change your diet
An enriched supply of omega 3 fats will give your limbic centre a boost as well.

For some people laying off wheat flour, makes a difference to the way they feel. If you have an intolerance to wheat flour, you could feel tired, get frequent headaches, find it easy to put on fat around your body, have elevated blood pressure. You become sluggish. You feel dreadful. It's hard to feel happy when you feel dreadful!

Conduct the experiment and go without anything with wheat in it for a week - no bread, no biscuits, no pasta, no cake. Now I know these are the four major food groups in our society (!), but you won't die if you don't eat them! On the contrary, there's still plenty to eat, meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit. This could really make a big difference to your metabolism - and the way you feel.

Well, there's much more to happiness that that, but it will have to wait for some future blogs.

On the track
An hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm. 1013 steps and 7851 calories. That's a good workout.

Then off to the gym for a good solid strength training session.

If you want a copy of the program Christine and I use, get yourself a copy of the Strength Training Diary at It's contains an outline of the Complete Strength Training Program.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and kick-start your metabolism. You'll feel better.

John Miller


  1. So no-one makes comments? Just so you don't think no-one is reading......

    Here goes John, I’m going to ambush your blog for a public affirmation to help with my goal setting...despite my dicky knees, intermittent will power, questionable dietary habits, 1 child and one due soon, 2 dogs, bizarre work hours and practices, an upcoming house move…………I'm going to set a long term goal to qualify for long distance bike ride, the Paris-Brest-Paris in August 2011. Finances will probably dictate if I actually take part, but it's the goal to have in mind I actually need I think. There are events I need to qualify for in Australia to help with short and medium term goal. It this all sounding in a similar vein to the movie you were talking about?....

    So starting at a princely 106.9 kilos, zero fitness and 37 years of age on 18/01/2010 I’m starting off easy with riding to work daily, about 10 kilometres or a little over half an hour each way, each day. It started Wednesday 6/01/2010 (New Years resolution??….) and two weeks down the track I’m still turning the pedals over……working towards a solid aerobic base to begin with. D.

  2. Was it Hitler or Goebells who said if you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one?

    Same goes for goals. This one is a great big hairy audacious goal.

    Report back when you've completed it!

    Best wishes, good luck and thanks for the post.

    John Miller
