On the track
Went on the stpper first thing. Set the timer for 60 minutes and peeled off 30 minutes at level 9.
Then 20 minutes ay level 8 and the last 10 minutes at a mix of 8's and 9's.
Total steps : 1277, best for donkey's years. Must be getting fitter. Half of it over 150 bpm.
976 Calories.
Weight 85.4 Kg. Not what I wanteed but 2kG better than when I started the Blogarithm.
Federer defeated Murray in straight sets.
I kept the score in the last set - a tie breaker and the scores sho just how close it was.
MURRAY wins: 16, of which 8 were aces. What this meant wasa that Muyrray made too few winners once the ball was in play.,
FEDERER wins: 21, of which there was 1 ace. (I may have missed a couple of aces.) So Federer decisively won the battle of the ground strokes.
MURRAY losses: 30, of which 8 were lost in the tie break.
FEDERER loses: 29, of which 6 were lost in the tie break.
In the tie break Federer hit 6 winners and Murray 4.
So, if you were playing YES TENNIS, where only clearly winning points are scored, the match would have been woin by Federer, 21 16.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and get out your racquet.
John Miller
Sunday, January 31, 2010
TAKE IT EASY - Saturday January 30th 2010
On the track
Did an easy 30 minutes on the stepper all over 130 BPM.
Did an easy 30 minutes on the stepper all over 130 BPM.
I heard a report that doctors were refusing to do simple pathology tests in the surgery, preferring to send them out to the pathology companies.
This is something I know a bit about.
You can now buy a gadget which measures the good and the bad cholesterol, other blood fats and blood sugar levels at the drop of a hat.
Routine tests of this nature are easy to do. The doctor's receptionist, even the drover's dog could do them at the drop of a hat.
Instead the doctor is wasting his or her time doing the menial task of drawing blood, sending it off in a chauffeur-driven car to the pathologist, and then getting the patient to come back to discus the results.
It's another medical rigmarole. No wonder they say they're too busy. They're creating rods for their own back and wasting the time and money of their customers into the bargain.
The doctors say the Medicare rebate get isn't as large as the rebate the pathology companies get. This is all bunkum. There shouldn't be a rebate for these tests lat all because the cost of doing them is so low. The only fee is for the doctor's time (better still receptionist's time and the consumables.
I've done theses tests when doing corporate health assessments. They're dead easy and take no time to do. Less than five minutes, half the time spent talking to your customer while waiting for the machine to spew out the results.
On the track
I stayed up very late last night finishing off the 'Fix Back Pain' book.
You can get a copy of the ebook version at http://www.globalbackcare.com/
Went of a walk with the boys, even took a short cut I was so tired.
There will be better days.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and admire the way the medical industry has turned into an art form, the business of complicating the simple and making the cheap expensive.
John Miller
This is something I know a bit about.
You can now buy a gadget which measures the good and the bad cholesterol, other blood fats and blood sugar levels at the drop of a hat.
Routine tests of this nature are easy to do. The doctor's receptionist, even the drover's dog could do them at the drop of a hat.
Instead the doctor is wasting his or her time doing the menial task of drawing blood, sending it off in a chauffeur-driven car to the pathologist, and then getting the patient to come back to discus the results.
It's another medical rigmarole. No wonder they say they're too busy. They're creating rods for their own back and wasting the time and money of their customers into the bargain.
The doctors say the Medicare rebate get isn't as large as the rebate the pathology companies get. This is all bunkum. There shouldn't be a rebate for these tests lat all because the cost of doing them is so low. The only fee is for the doctor's time (better still receptionist's time and the consumables.
I've done theses tests when doing corporate health assessments. They're dead easy and take no time to do. Less than five minutes, half the time spent talking to your customer while waiting for the machine to spew out the results.
On the track
I stayed up very late last night finishing off the 'Fix Back Pain' book.
You can get a copy of the ebook version at http://www.globalbackcare.com/
Went of a walk with the boys, even took a short cut I was so tired.
There will be better days.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and admire the way the medical industry has turned into an art form, the business of complicating the simple and making the cheap expensive.
John Miller
GREATEST TENNIS PLAYER OF ALL TIME - Thursday January 28th 2010
They're saying that Roger Federer is the greatest male tennis player of all time. He may be.
He's won 15 Grand Slam tournaments. But I don't think he's won 2 grand slams though and that puts him behind Rod Laver in my pantheon.
What irks me is that the record of Rosewall and Laver and the rest of them stood still while they were playing professional tennis. The pro tour was a far superior competition.
In the early years Richard Gonzales whupped Hoad and Rosewall.
Then Hoad and Rosewall whupped Laver.
Even as late as 1972, nearly 20 years after he turned pro Rosewall beat Laver for the World Championship Tennis indoor championships in Dallas.
In 1974 Rosewall was in the Wimbledon final.
So here's what I'm going to do this year.
Without making a welter of it I'm going to make a list of the top ten tournaments each year on the WCT circuit and see who the winners were.
Then I'm going to select the top four tournaments, equivalent to the four Grant Slam tournaments.
Then I'm going to make a list of the winners.
On the track
For the first day since I started writing this blogarithm there wasn't a track.
I've been working flat out on revising my book, 'Fix back Pain.' It's off to the printers tomorrow, come hell or high water.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and wait for me to let you know who was the greatest male tennis player of all time.
John Miller
He's won 15 Grand Slam tournaments. But I don't think he's won 2 grand slams though and that puts him behind Rod Laver in my pantheon.
What irks me is that the record of Rosewall and Laver and the rest of them stood still while they were playing professional tennis. The pro tour was a far superior competition.
In the early years Richard Gonzales whupped Hoad and Rosewall.
Then Hoad and Rosewall whupped Laver.
Even as late as 1972, nearly 20 years after he turned pro Rosewall beat Laver for the World Championship Tennis indoor championships in Dallas.
In 1974 Rosewall was in the Wimbledon final.
So here's what I'm going to do this year.
Without making a welter of it I'm going to make a list of the top ten tournaments each year on the WCT circuit and see who the winners were.
Then I'm going to select the top four tournaments, equivalent to the four Grant Slam tournaments.
Then I'm going to make a list of the winners.
On the track
For the first day since I started writing this blogarithm there wasn't a track.
I've been working flat out on revising my book, 'Fix back Pain.' It's off to the printers tomorrow, come hell or high water.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and wait for me to let you know who was the greatest male tennis player of all time.
John Miller
ACHILLES TENDONITIS - Wednesday 27th January 2010
Went back to the podiatrist this morning.
Achilles tendon feeling a lot better. I've started running again.
I think the wedges he sold me are working. It stands to reason, when your feet are square you don't have abnormal pressure on your muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones.
I think the constant icing has been good too as has the stretching on the slant board. Stood for 5 minutes with feet square and 5 minutes pigeoned-toed. I could really feel the stretch with the pigeon-toed stance. I'm going to keep doing that.
I've been wearing my neoprene anklets most of the day and sticking and icepack down the back of it.
I went to Big W and found some little ice packs designed to put into lunch boxes. They came in a packet of three so at any one time one is on my Achilles tendon and the others are in the freezer.
So, for now, I'm feeling better. The rest of my legs are feeling better as well.
On the track
Went walking and running with the boys. Ran for 20 minutes.
In the evening went to the gym with Christine and had a good workout.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and when you become injured, get a neoprene support and start icing - constantly.
John Miller
Saturday, January 30, 2010
MIKE DAUBE'S FATSO TAX - Tueday 26th January 2010
I heard Curtin University professor and member of the Federal Government's Preventive Health Task Force, Mike Daube saying there ought to be a tax on fatty food.
Seems a dubious proposition - for several reasons.
Firstly people are getting fatter, not because they eat too much fat (though that may be the case for some) but rather because they eat too much flour and sugar. Remember the days when every household had in their fridge (or cool safe) a sunshine condensed milk tin full of dripping? Those days are gone. I don't think fat is the big culprit, unless people eat huge amounts of chocolate. The villain of the peace is sugar, and fructose in particular.
The manufactured foods with added sugar usually have a high percentage of fructose in them. The fructose makes a bee-line to the liver where its turned into fat. (I think it might be a bit more complicated than that, but you'll get my drift.)
Secondly taxing food will only put up the CPI and next thing you know, the rest of the people who aren't over weight will just be paying more for their mortgages.
Thirdly it's people that need the greatest of encouragement to stay close to their ideal weight. Let's not beat around the bush. If being fat is so bad then we need a tax on fat people. There is no greater encouragement than that which seeks to avoid the stimulation of the hip pocket nerve.
It's people that make the choices about what to eat and how vigorously to exercise. It's people that should be in the spotlight.
Establishing a tax on fat people is not such a tough assignment as it first appears. All that needs to be done is increase the Medicare levee up to 5% of taxable income and then provide rebates for men who are less than 25% body fat and women who are less than 35% body fat.
I wondered about whether this would disadvantage people with a disability and thought, 'not'. I don't think it disadvantages poor people either. Until relatively recent times people who were financially disadvantaged in our community were thin, in fact haggard. There weren't many fat people living in Central Park in 1930!
The reason to have a personal fat tax is to give people to incentive to trim down. Why? Being overweight is good predictor of metabolic dysfunction. It is also a good predictor of musculo-skeletal dysfunction. Our medical system is collapsing under the weight!
So here's the proposal.
1. Up the Medicare levee to 5% of taxable income. It's costing far more than is currently levied.
2. Provide people who meet the percent body fat requirements with a 1% rebate - the lean body rebate. This is all possible for regular folks. Just watch Biggest Looser to see how it's done.
3. Provide people who can run more than 35 x 20m laps in 5 minutes with another 1% rebate - an aerobic fitness rebate.
4. Provide people who can do 30 situps and pressups on the trot and in less than 1 minute with another 1% rebate - a musculo-skeletal rebate.
You can give fitness practitioners, doctors and nurses a license to test the people who want to be involved - at their own expense.
That ought to provide the fat, the unfit and the weak with an incentive to save some serious money.
It will go a long way to putting half the medical industry on the dole.
The big plus, of course is as soon as people get fitter and trim down they'll feel better. Again, just ask anyone who's been on Biggest Loser, or Magda Szubanski. She's been ripping off the kilos and is both looking and sounding like she's in rude health.
It's strange indeed that it should be the an established medical convention to subsidize blood pressure, diuretic and diabetes pills and the joy of being hooked up to a ResMed breathing system and NOT subsidize the health insurance of people who are in exceptionally good nick.
Changing the Medicare arrangements will provide people with great encouragement be fitter as well as healthier. They won't go near a surgery or pharmacy. In double quick time people will be thanking the Government for saving their life, even if the sugar industry is cursing it.
But there's no doubt that the health of the Australian public, particularly the health of those who don't want to pay a cracker, either to keep themselves in good shape or their medical treatment, is a higher national priority that the health of CSR
As for Mike Daube, if he is going to take a swipe at any industry the first one off the rank needs to be the industry that manufactures food and beverages with added sugar.
These manufacturers have been running amok making a mess of public health which has to be cleaned up by the Government.
Any species is going to be attracted to sugar if just about every form of food it eats becomes loaded with it. Over the years and the decades they won't eat anything else.
Affluence has something to do with it. In my day if you said to your mother you were thirsty she'd say, 'there's a tank outside.' Now days kids and adults will only drink stuff loaded with sugar.
So, first target for Mike Daube's brush needs to be the manufacturers of sugared drinks. Over the next 10 years there needs to be a law that makes it mandatory for all soft drink and milk drink manufacturers to reduce the percentage of sugar in their drinks down to below 5%. People like Coca Cola, Schweppes and National Foods need to be reined in. Enough is enough.
A gradual 0.5% reduction each year will mean people get acclimatized to less sweet drinks - the starting point at the beginning of 2011 being less than 10%.
If Coke in Australia tastes different from Coke in America then so be it.
All we need is a law that says on January 1st 2020, no manufactured drinks will contain more than 4.9% added sugar - and non of that sugar will be fructose.
Kids would start to get a taste for bitter, salt, sour and savoury, and not just sweet.
In the grand march of history, the sugar culture is a recent phenomenon. Cutting it back shouldn't be such a tough assignment, if people know the reasons why: - it's destroying their health and it's sending the country bankrupt.
The next target will be chocolate, breakfast biscuits and manufactured food generally. There'd be a lot less Nutrigrain, chocolate and Milo eaten if added sugar was capped at less than 5%.
And while I'm at it, we need a law to gradually reduce fructose in manufactured food.
As for the Preventive Health Task Force, I'm pretty interested to know how many members can run more than 35 laps of the 20m course.
On the track
An exceptionally good morning. On the stepper for 40 minutes, all over 140bpm.
Then off for a swim with Christine. 40 laps non stop. I don't think I've swum that far since I went in the Swim Thru Adelaide on the Torrens in 1963, except on that occasion I didn't have my Zoggs on.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and when you're less than either 25% or 35% fat, report back.
John Miller
Seems a dubious proposition - for several reasons.
Firstly people are getting fatter, not because they eat too much fat (though that may be the case for some) but rather because they eat too much flour and sugar. Remember the days when every household had in their fridge (or cool safe) a sunshine condensed milk tin full of dripping? Those days are gone. I don't think fat is the big culprit, unless people eat huge amounts of chocolate. The villain of the peace is sugar, and fructose in particular.
The manufactured foods with added sugar usually have a high percentage of fructose in them. The fructose makes a bee-line to the liver where its turned into fat. (I think it might be a bit more complicated than that, but you'll get my drift.)
Secondly taxing food will only put up the CPI and next thing you know, the rest of the people who aren't over weight will just be paying more for their mortgages.
Thirdly it's people that need the greatest of encouragement to stay close to their ideal weight. Let's not beat around the bush. If being fat is so bad then we need a tax on fat people. There is no greater encouragement than that which seeks to avoid the stimulation of the hip pocket nerve.
It's people that make the choices about what to eat and how vigorously to exercise. It's people that should be in the spotlight.
Establishing a tax on fat people is not such a tough assignment as it first appears. All that needs to be done is increase the Medicare levee up to 5% of taxable income and then provide rebates for men who are less than 25% body fat and women who are less than 35% body fat.
I wondered about whether this would disadvantage people with a disability and thought, 'not'. I don't think it disadvantages poor people either. Until relatively recent times people who were financially disadvantaged in our community were thin, in fact haggard. There weren't many fat people living in Central Park in 1930!
The reason to have a personal fat tax is to give people to incentive to trim down. Why? Being overweight is good predictor of metabolic dysfunction. It is also a good predictor of musculo-skeletal dysfunction. Our medical system is collapsing under the weight!
So here's the proposal.
1. Up the Medicare levee to 5% of taxable income. It's costing far more than is currently levied.
2. Provide people who meet the percent body fat requirements with a 1% rebate - the lean body rebate. This is all possible for regular folks. Just watch Biggest Looser to see how it's done.
3. Provide people who can run more than 35 x 20m laps in 5 minutes with another 1% rebate - an aerobic fitness rebate.
4. Provide people who can do 30 situps and pressups on the trot and in less than 1 minute with another 1% rebate - a musculo-skeletal rebate.
You can give fitness practitioners, doctors and nurses a license to test the people who want to be involved - at their own expense.
That ought to provide the fat, the unfit and the weak with an incentive to save some serious money.
It will go a long way to putting half the medical industry on the dole.
The big plus, of course is as soon as people get fitter and trim down they'll feel better. Again, just ask anyone who's been on Biggest Loser, or Magda Szubanski. She's been ripping off the kilos and is both looking and sounding like she's in rude health.
It's strange indeed that it should be the an established medical convention to subsidize blood pressure, diuretic and diabetes pills and the joy of being hooked up to a ResMed breathing system and NOT subsidize the health insurance of people who are in exceptionally good nick.
Changing the Medicare arrangements will provide people with great encouragement be fitter as well as healthier. They won't go near a surgery or pharmacy. In double quick time people will be thanking the Government for saving their life, even if the sugar industry is cursing it.
But there's no doubt that the health of the Australian public, particularly the health of those who don't want to pay a cracker, either to keep themselves in good shape or their medical treatment, is a higher national priority that the health of CSR
As for Mike Daube, if he is going to take a swipe at any industry the first one off the rank needs to be the industry that manufactures food and beverages with added sugar.
These manufacturers have been running amok making a mess of public health which has to be cleaned up by the Government.
Any species is going to be attracted to sugar if just about every form of food it eats becomes loaded with it. Over the years and the decades they won't eat anything else.
Affluence has something to do with it. In my day if you said to your mother you were thirsty she'd say, 'there's a tank outside.' Now days kids and adults will only drink stuff loaded with sugar.
So, first target for Mike Daube's brush needs to be the manufacturers of sugared drinks. Over the next 10 years there needs to be a law that makes it mandatory for all soft drink and milk drink manufacturers to reduce the percentage of sugar in their drinks down to below 5%. People like Coca Cola, Schweppes and National Foods need to be reined in. Enough is enough.
A gradual 0.5% reduction each year will mean people get acclimatized to less sweet drinks - the starting point at the beginning of 2011 being less than 10%.
If Coke in Australia tastes different from Coke in America then so be it.
All we need is a law that says on January 1st 2020, no manufactured drinks will contain more than 4.9% added sugar - and non of that sugar will be fructose.
Kids would start to get a taste for bitter, salt, sour and savoury, and not just sweet.
In the grand march of history, the sugar culture is a recent phenomenon. Cutting it back shouldn't be such a tough assignment, if people know the reasons why: - it's destroying their health and it's sending the country bankrupt.
The next target will be chocolate, breakfast biscuits and manufactured food generally. There'd be a lot less Nutrigrain, chocolate and Milo eaten if added sugar was capped at less than 5%.
And while I'm at it, we need a law to gradually reduce fructose in manufactured food.
As for the Preventive Health Task Force, I'm pretty interested to know how many members can run more than 35 laps of the 20m course.
On the track
An exceptionally good morning. On the stepper for 40 minutes, all over 140bpm.
Then off for a swim with Christine. 40 laps non stop. I don't think I've swum that far since I went in the Swim Thru Adelaide on the Torrens in 1963, except on that occasion I didn't have my Zoggs on.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and when you're less than either 25% or 35% fat, report back.
John Miller
FEDERER BEATS HEWITT - Monday 25th January 2010
Every now and then I keep the stats on tennis matches.
I did that last night for the Federer - Hewitt match at the Australian Open - which Federer won by the length of the straight. (Strange they call it an open tournament when it is closed to all but the top 128 tennis players in the world, including the grunters and shouters. I'd ban them. They're a blight on the game.)
While I'm on the subject I read somewhere the income from that tournament is around $120m. It's a big business - one you wouldn't want grunters and shouters to place in jeopardy.
Anyway, back to the stats.
I take a page and divide it in half - on this occasion, one half for Federer, the other for Hewitt.
Then I give each player two columns
Column 1: for points they win.
Column 2: for points they lose.
For a point to be credited to the win column it has to be a decisive winner that the other player couldn't get within a bull's roar of - or definitely has no chance in hell of returning. It's the point that, if you were playing yourself you'd be happy to acknowledge by simply saying 'Yes". Service aces fit into this column along with every other decisively won shot.
For a point to be credited to the losing column it's simply a shot that's hit into the net or out of court.
The first law of tennis is - hit the ball over the net.
The second law of tennis is - hit the ball in.
The third law of tennis - hit the ball hard. No use sending lolly pops and donkey drops over the net.
The fourth law of tennis: - hit the ball to where your opponent isn't. It seems crazy to keep hitting the ball back and forth. That's called practice, or warm-up. It means sometimes hitting the ball wide, sometimes long and sometimes short. Surprisingly not a lot of top players are good at the very short game.
The fifth law of tennis is to out position your opponent, race into the net and volley his poorly returned shot for a winner.
It seems strange that many of today's players have forgotten laws 4 and 5. They appear to be waiting for their opponent to make a mistake (laws 1 ands 2) before they do. It's a risky play. It's like waiting for a government to lose and election, rather than getting in there and making the play yourself.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, here's why Hewitt lost the game.
Decisively won shots: 18 - That's an average of 6 per set
Decisively won shots: 46 - that's an average of 15 winners per set.
Shots definitely lost: 51
Shots definitely lost: 53
This was a game that Federer won, decisively. It was not a game that Hewitt lost.
The moral of the story is that Hewitt has to become more aggressive in playing shots that conform to laws 3 and 4. He can't just keep sending the ball back.
You'd think that after 20 years weilding a racket, 12 on the international circuit he'd have worked out how to do that.
Of course when it comes to tennis I'm a choker. In winnings Hewitt is about $30m in front of me.
On the track
Went walking and running with the boys. 20 minutes running felt OK. Achilles is getting better
Had one almighty altercation with a lycra clad bike rider who I don't think rang his bell, or if he did it was a long way away, or it's a soft bell, or I'm deaf.
It really annoys me when a bike rider roars past you and the first thing you know about it is they are 20 yards in front of you. It can scare shit out of you.
I shouted after him to uses his F***ing bell. He stopped and asked me it I wanted to 'have a go'.
Christine said that I was guilty of running rage.
Anyway, from what I've seen on the TV, anger is an integral part of sport these days. I declined the offer to 'have a go.' Why would a 30 year-old want to bash up a 64 year-old?
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you're riding a bike and coming up behind pedestrians, ring youtr f***ink bell - and ring it loud.
John Miller
I did that last night for the Federer - Hewitt match at the Australian Open - which Federer won by the length of the straight. (Strange they call it an open tournament when it is closed to all but the top 128 tennis players in the world, including the grunters and shouters. I'd ban them. They're a blight on the game.)
While I'm on the subject I read somewhere the income from that tournament is around $120m. It's a big business - one you wouldn't want grunters and shouters to place in jeopardy.
Anyway, back to the stats.
I take a page and divide it in half - on this occasion, one half for Federer, the other for Hewitt.
Then I give each player two columns
Column 1: for points they win.
Column 2: for points they lose.
For a point to be credited to the win column it has to be a decisive winner that the other player couldn't get within a bull's roar of - or definitely has no chance in hell of returning. It's the point that, if you were playing yourself you'd be happy to acknowledge by simply saying 'Yes". Service aces fit into this column along with every other decisively won shot.
For a point to be credited to the losing column it's simply a shot that's hit into the net or out of court.
The first law of tennis is - hit the ball over the net.
The second law of tennis is - hit the ball in.
The third law of tennis - hit the ball hard. No use sending lolly pops and donkey drops over the net.
The fourth law of tennis: - hit the ball to where your opponent isn't. It seems crazy to keep hitting the ball back and forth. That's called practice, or warm-up. It means sometimes hitting the ball wide, sometimes long and sometimes short. Surprisingly not a lot of top players are good at the very short game.
The fifth law of tennis is to out position your opponent, race into the net and volley his poorly returned shot for a winner.
It seems strange that many of today's players have forgotten laws 4 and 5. They appear to be waiting for their opponent to make a mistake (laws 1 ands 2) before they do. It's a risky play. It's like waiting for a government to lose and election, rather than getting in there and making the play yourself.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, here's why Hewitt lost the game.
Decisively won shots: 18 - That's an average of 6 per set
Decisively won shots: 46 - that's an average of 15 winners per set.
Shots definitely lost: 51
Shots definitely lost: 53
This was a game that Federer won, decisively. It was not a game that Hewitt lost.
The moral of the story is that Hewitt has to become more aggressive in playing shots that conform to laws 3 and 4. He can't just keep sending the ball back.
You'd think that after 20 years weilding a racket, 12 on the international circuit he'd have worked out how to do that.
Of course when it comes to tennis I'm a choker. In winnings Hewitt is about $30m in front of me.
On the track
Went walking and running with the boys. 20 minutes running felt OK. Achilles is getting better
Had one almighty altercation with a lycra clad bike rider who I don't think rang his bell, or if he did it was a long way away, or it's a soft bell, or I'm deaf.
It really annoys me when a bike rider roars past you and the first thing you know about it is they are 20 yards in front of you. It can scare shit out of you.
I shouted after him to uses his F***ing bell. He stopped and asked me it I wanted to 'have a go'.
Christine said that I was guilty of running rage.
Anyway, from what I've seen on the TV, anger is an integral part of sport these days. I declined the offer to 'have a go.' Why would a 30 year-old want to bash up a 64 year-old?
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you're riding a bike and coming up behind pedestrians, ring youtr f***ink bell - and ring it loud.
John Miller
Australian Tennis Open,
road rage
Sunday, January 24, 2010
It's a bit rich Tracy Austin giving Bernard Tomic a serve. Tomic had complained that one of his matches went on past his bedtime.
Tomic is right. What crazy sort of a sports organisation would program matches to finish at 2 o'clock in the morning; or worse, 4am? It shows a complete disregard for the healthy and safety of players and officials.
There's a lot to be critical of when it comes to the Australian Open. Apart from the playing hours Tennis Australia has no regard for player welfare. Games still go ahead regardless of the temperature. In 2001, I watched Pat Rafter squelch around the court in sweat sodden shoes in a semi-final that was won, not on tennis ability but the ability to withstand blistering heat. On that occasion, television commentator, Pat Cash was not alone in intimating Rafter was some kind of wimp.
In January 2002 we saw the final of the women’s championship marred by the heat. The continued repeat of this appalling history of tennis in a furnace, is as Engels and Marx might have said, both tragedy and farce.
In 2009 Djokovic had to retire in 36% heat and give Roddick a free ride into the semi-finals.
Tennis Australia has a terrible record in dealing with heat-induced injuries even to the point of connecting players up to intravenous drips. This is taking sports medicine way to far.
Then there is the length of the matches. It would appear almost beyond human endurance to expect anyone to play a series of four or five three-hour matches one after each other and not suffer some ill effects. It is like expecting Steve Monaghetti to run four marathons in 10 days.
It is time there was a different scoring system that provided a better guide to selecting the better player in a respectable time frame. Five sets with table-tennis scoring would seem to be a reasonable model.
So, is Tomic right to be a bit cranky; you betcha, and as a former player Austin should have stuck up for him.
While I'm at it, the other thing Tennis Australia has to get rid of is the shouting when players hit the ball. I've just finished watching Henin play Wickmayer. Why fellow players and the umpire don't tell that woman to shut up is beyond me. It's a form of intimidation that goes beyond the limits of fair play. It drives me stir crazy.
What do you think of that Tracy?
On the track
Did 40 minuters on the stepper all over 130 bpm, then went to the gym.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and don't play tennis when it's hot or during the middle of the night, or against anyone who yells 'whoopie' every time they hit the ball.
John Miller
Tomic is right. What crazy sort of a sports organisation would program matches to finish at 2 o'clock in the morning; or worse, 4am? It shows a complete disregard for the healthy and safety of players and officials.
There's a lot to be critical of when it comes to the Australian Open. Apart from the playing hours Tennis Australia has no regard for player welfare. Games still go ahead regardless of the temperature. In 2001, I watched Pat Rafter squelch around the court in sweat sodden shoes in a semi-final that was won, not on tennis ability but the ability to withstand blistering heat. On that occasion, television commentator, Pat Cash was not alone in intimating Rafter was some kind of wimp.
In January 2002 we saw the final of the women’s championship marred by the heat. The continued repeat of this appalling history of tennis in a furnace, is as Engels and Marx might have said, both tragedy and farce.
In 2009 Djokovic had to retire in 36% heat and give Roddick a free ride into the semi-finals.
Tennis Australia has a terrible record in dealing with heat-induced injuries even to the point of connecting players up to intravenous drips. This is taking sports medicine way to far.
Then there is the length of the matches. It would appear almost beyond human endurance to expect anyone to play a series of four or five three-hour matches one after each other and not suffer some ill effects. It is like expecting Steve Monaghetti to run four marathons in 10 days.
It is time there was a different scoring system that provided a better guide to selecting the better player in a respectable time frame. Five sets with table-tennis scoring would seem to be a reasonable model.
So, is Tomic right to be a bit cranky; you betcha, and as a former player Austin should have stuck up for him.
While I'm at it, the other thing Tennis Australia has to get rid of is the shouting when players hit the ball. I've just finished watching Henin play Wickmayer. Why fellow players and the umpire don't tell that woman to shut up is beyond me. It's a form of intimidation that goes beyond the limits of fair play. It drives me stir crazy.
What do you think of that Tracy?
On the track
Did 40 minuters on the stepper all over 130 bpm, then went to the gym.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and don't play tennis when it's hot or during the middle of the night, or against anyone who yells 'whoopie' every time they hit the ball.
John Miller
CLEAN UP YOUR ACT - Saturday 23rd January 2010
I worked out on the stepper this morning. A good workout, 30 minutes all over 240 bpm. Funny thing, as I get fitter I have to work harder to get my pulse rate up over 140.
So I started off at level 9 for 10 minutes, then level 8 for 10 minutes and finished off with level 7 for 10p minutes. That's a good workout.
608 steps and 465 Calories.
The stepper is in the garage. After the workout I spent a couple of hours cleaning it out. Chucked away a whole lot of accounts, got rid of old computer stuff and took it out to a mate who might have use of it.
There's a spare mattress in their so I strapped it up out of the way against the book case .
My treadmill is at the doctors so when it comes back there will be more room for it and I'll be able to spend more time on it.
I found a whole lot of other stuff and we think we might have a garage sale or just take it down to Rand let them get rid of it to someone who needs it more than we do.
Anyway to cut a long story short,if you want to feel better do a bit of spring cleaning. More than anything it cleans out the mind.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and clean up your act.
John Miller
So I started off at level 9 for 10 minutes, then level 8 for 10 minutes and finished off with level 7 for 10p minutes. That's a good workout.
608 steps and 465 Calories.
The stepper is in the garage. After the workout I spent a couple of hours cleaning it out. Chucked away a whole lot of accounts, got rid of old computer stuff and took it out to a mate who might have use of it.
There's a spare mattress in their so I strapped it up out of the way against the book case .
My treadmill is at the doctors so when it comes back there will be more room for it and I'll be able to spend more time on it.
I found a whole lot of other stuff and we think we might have a garage sale or just take it down to Rand let them get rid of it to someone who needs it more than we do.
Anyway to cut a long story short,if you want to feel better do a bit of spring cleaning. More than anything it cleans out the mind.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and clean up your act.
John Miller
PLAY UP, PLAY UP AND PLAY THE GAME - Friday 22nd January 2010
I've been having second thoughts about the subjects that should have the highest ranking in the school curriculum.
I reckon 'play' should be the number one. And after that 'fun'. A lot of people don't have much fun these days. That's why they're all depressed. If you were having a lot of fun how could you become depressed?
From early childhood children learn by playing. Bit by bit we've reduced the amount of play - cooping them up in class rooms, not letting them out of the yard.
As kids we used to roam far and free.
Life's becoming too serious. Schools are being turned into little universities. Any kid wanting to have a bit of fun gets treated as a nuisance. As for telling jokes, I often ask people to tell me a joke. They say they don't know one. How dull is that. Did you hear the one about ...
On the track
A good 20 minute 140 bpm workout on the stepper then a walk/run with the boys. Ran for 20 minutes, Achilles holding up.
Iced it when I got home and kept icing it during the day.
Have resolved to stretch on the slope board six times a day. Have installed one outside near the stepper and one in my office.
I reckon 'play' should be the number one. And after that 'fun'. A lot of people don't have much fun these days. That's why they're all depressed. If you were having a lot of fun how could you become depressed?
From early childhood children learn by playing. Bit by bit we've reduced the amount of play - cooping them up in class rooms, not letting them out of the yard.
As kids we used to roam far and free.
Life's becoming too serious. Schools are being turned into little universities. Any kid wanting to have a bit of fun gets treated as a nuisance. As for telling jokes, I often ask people to tell me a joke. They say they don't know one. How dull is that. Did you hear the one about ...
On the track
A good 20 minute 140 bpm workout on the stepper then a walk/run with the boys. Ran for 20 minutes, Achilles holding up.
Iced it when I got home and kept icing it during the day.
Have resolved to stretch on the slope board six times a day. Have installed one outside near the stepper and one in my office.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and keep stretching.
John Miller
ACHILLES TENDONITIS - Thursday 21st January 2010
I've been experimenting with the ice down the back of the neoprene anklets. It seems to work well. But I found a small plastic ice bag in the fridge and slipped that down the back of the anklet.
It was pretty good, but not quite as good as the ice because it seems to warm up quicker.
Anyway I went down to Woolies and got three more of the small ice packs and have started rotating them around and it's very useful and less messy than the ice. You can get the ice packs in the section where they have lunch boxes.
You can get slightly larger ones in the section where they sell Eskys. They'd be good for calves, backs and shoulders. They're pliable even when they're frozen.
On the track
Went to the gym and had a very good workout.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you've got an injury keep icing it and icing it and icing it. I don't know how it works, but it seems to work.
John Miller
It was pretty good, but not quite as good as the ice because it seems to warm up quicker.
Anyway I went down to Woolies and got three more of the small ice packs and have started rotating them around and it's very useful and less messy than the ice. You can get the ice packs in the section where they have lunch boxes.
You can get slightly larger ones in the section where they sell Eskys. They'd be good for calves, backs and shoulders. They're pliable even when they're frozen.
On the track
Went to the gym and had a very good workout.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you've got an injury keep icing it and icing it and icing it. I don't know how it works, but it seems to work.
John Miller
Friday, January 22, 2010
ACHILLES TENDONITIS - Health Blogarithm, Wednesday 19th January 2010
I've been working on my Achilles a lot. This week I stumbled on a neat trick.
For some time I've been wearing neoprene anklets to keep the Achilles warm. I work from home so I can wear them around the house. Some night's I've worn them to bed.
A mate of mine suggested icing the Achilles, which I've been doing after my walk/run. I filled an empty cool drink bottle up with water, placed it in the freezer and then rested by Achilles on it.
I think it's working.
On the track Got up early and did half an hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm.
Then went for a walk with the boys and ran for 20 minutes. Things are looking up.
In the meantime stay tuned,.highly tuned, and keep icing your Achilles.
John Miller
For some time I've been wearing neoprene anklets to keep the Achilles warm. I work from home so I can wear them around the house. Some night's I've worn them to bed.
A mate of mine suggested icing the Achilles, which I've been doing after my walk/run. I filled an empty cool drink bottle up with water, placed it in the freezer and then rested by Achilles on it.
It's OK.
BUT, the last couple of days I've started putting a couple of ice cubes down the back of the neoprene anklet.
While I'm working the ice slowly melts. I don't know where the water goes and I don't care.I think it's working.
On the track Got up early and did half an hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm.
Then went for a walk with the boys and ran for 20 minutes. Things are looking up.
In the meantime stay tuned,.highly tuned, and keep icing your Achilles.
John Miller
MEDICAL INDUSTRY UP IN ARMS - Health Blogarithm, Tuesday 19th January 2010
Today's news comes from the Government who wants to cut back on medical industry protection.
Guess who pipes up first? The doctors' union.
Guess who pipes up second? Medicines Australia.
Guess who are two most protected industries in Australia?
With medical costs now touching 10% of GDP, all the AMA can say is that it's not as bad as in America where it's 16%.
Medicines Australia says that giving people drugs keeps them more productive for longer.
Well Hello.
10% of GDP is enough.
Every time I see Fred Hollows on the TV, I know that his team could do cataract surgery for about a 20th of the cost it takes for a specialist in a hospital.
The specialists in particular are ripping the government off, they're ripping their customers off and some of them are trousering $10,000 a day for their efforts, the lion's share of it coming from the public purse.
On the track
All I did today was go to the gym.
The good news is that I'm getting stronger. three times a week seems to be about right. The curls - overhead press - lat pull-down routine seems to be working. Bench press and squat are getting better.
So all round a good result.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and watch the medical and pharmaceutical industries squeal like stuck pigs as soon as the government suggests they could do with a bit less protection.
John Miller
Guess who pipes up first? The doctors' union.
Guess who pipes up second? Medicines Australia.
Guess who are two most protected industries in Australia?
With medical costs now touching 10% of GDP, all the AMA can say is that it's not as bad as in America where it's 16%.
Medicines Australia says that giving people drugs keeps them more productive for longer.
Well Hello.
10% of GDP is enough.
Every time I see Fred Hollows on the TV, I know that his team could do cataract surgery for about a 20th of the cost it takes for a specialist in a hospital.
The specialists in particular are ripping the government off, they're ripping their customers off and some of them are trousering $10,000 a day for their efforts, the lion's share of it coming from the public purse.
On the track
All I did today was go to the gym.
The good news is that I'm getting stronger. three times a week seems to be about right. The curls - overhead press - lat pull-down routine seems to be working. Bench press and squat are getting better.
So all round a good result.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and watch the medical and pharmaceutical industries squeal like stuck pigs as soon as the government suggests they could do with a bit less protection.
John Miller
fix back pain,
Fix neck pain,
fix shoulder pain
DOCTORS NURSE GRUDGE - Health Blogarithm, Monday 18th January 2010
A group of nurses have set up shop in a pharmacy. This is exceptionally good news on several accounts
The doctor organisations around Canberra are bleating that there is a shortage of doctors. Main reason is that they spend half their time doing things that other professionals could do as well, if not better.; like, measuring blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose; taking blood and sending it away for analysis; treating wounds; giving their customers a talking to about their lifestyle; taking pap smears, giving injections; weighing babies and giving pre and post natal advice.
The other reason is that a high proportion of them practice junk medicine. They give their customers a pill to mask the symptom and not the prescription that leads to a restoration of poor function to good. Their customers keep coming back. It's good for business, but they complain how overworked they are.
So when the nurses set up shop guess who has a go at them? You guessed it, the doctors' union. All they're interested in is protecting their incomes, even if a large proportion of it is earned doing jobs that nurses (and drovers' dogs could do.)
Keep in mind, there's a lot of nurses these days who have a degree. We're not talking about wiping bums in hospitals any more. These are professionals in their own right.
So, the best thing the government could do is start handing our provider numbers and Medicare job numbers that ensures that people can get treatment from nurses, with all the same financial arrangements as they currently get from doctors.
Instead of setting up these big doctor clinics they Government should be setting up big nursing clinics.
The more the medical profession has been protected (and medical industry protection is now running at $60B or more a year), the worse the health of Australians has become and the more bloated and inefficient the medical industry.
So all power to the nurses.
The other group that needs a swag of Medicare number is the fitness profession. There's a lot of things they can do better than doctors. Think metabolic and musculo-skeletal dysfunction? Think fitness centre.
On the track
After a vigorous weekend all I did to day was went to a walk with the boys.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, few people got fitter or healthier in a surgery or a pharmacy.
John Miller
The doctor organisations around Canberra are bleating that there is a shortage of doctors. Main reason is that they spend half their time doing things that other professionals could do as well, if not better.; like, measuring blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose; taking blood and sending it away for analysis; treating wounds; giving their customers a talking to about their lifestyle; taking pap smears, giving injections; weighing babies and giving pre and post natal advice.
The other reason is that a high proportion of them practice junk medicine. They give their customers a pill to mask the symptom and not the prescription that leads to a restoration of poor function to good. Their customers keep coming back. It's good for business, but they complain how overworked they are.
So when the nurses set up shop guess who has a go at them? You guessed it, the doctors' union. All they're interested in is protecting their incomes, even if a large proportion of it is earned doing jobs that nurses (and drovers' dogs could do.)
Keep in mind, there's a lot of nurses these days who have a degree. We're not talking about wiping bums in hospitals any more. These are professionals in their own right.
So, the best thing the government could do is start handing our provider numbers and Medicare job numbers that ensures that people can get treatment from nurses, with all the same financial arrangements as they currently get from doctors.
Instead of setting up these big doctor clinics they Government should be setting up big nursing clinics.
The more the medical profession has been protected (and medical industry protection is now running at $60B or more a year), the worse the health of Australians has become and the more bloated and inefficient the medical industry.
So all power to the nurses.
The other group that needs a swag of Medicare number is the fitness profession. There's a lot of things they can do better than doctors. Think metabolic and musculo-skeletal dysfunction? Think fitness centre.
On the track
After a vigorous weekend all I did to day was went to a walk with the boys.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, few people got fitter or healthier in a surgery or a pharmacy.
John Miller
Saturday, January 16, 2010
HAPPINESS - Health Blogarithm - Sunday 17th January 2010
Abraham Lincoln said something to the effect that most people are about as happy as they want to be.
We live in a society where a lot of people don't seem to be all that happy, but they can't put their finger on the reason for their unhappiness. If you fit into the unhappy category, reboot your happiness centre by doing some of the things happy people do.
1. Increase the amount of physical activity you do - get your heart rate up
The first thing to do is reset your metabolism. One of the foundations of happiness is a metabolic system that's in top working order. If you don't get enough aerobic exercise you can feel like this.
Once you start exercising you get more oxygen into your body, you start releasing 'feel-good' endorphins from your brain, you give the limbic centre of your brain a boost, you get out of your body the waste products of your metabolism you can do better without. As a result, your mood changes, you feel happier.
What the exercise does is give you a metabolic defrag.
The exercise-led recovery takes about a week to kick in.
Start slowly, ease into it, don't bust your boiler. Walking is a good place to start. It's pretty hard to injure yourself just by walking.
2. Change your diet
An enriched supply of omega 3 fats will give your limbic centre a boost as well.
For some people laying off wheat flour, makes a difference to the way they feel. If you have an intolerance to wheat flour, you could feel tired, get frequent headaches, find it easy to put on fat around your body, have elevated blood pressure. You become sluggish. You feel dreadful. It's hard to feel happy when you feel dreadful!
Conduct the experiment and go without anything with wheat in it for a week - no bread, no biscuits, no pasta, no cake. Now I know these are the four major food groups in our society (!), but you won't die if you don't eat them! On the contrary, there's still plenty to eat, meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit. This could really make a big difference to your metabolism - and the way you feel.
Well, there's much more to happiness that that, but it will have to wait for some future blogs.
On the track
An hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm. 1013 steps and 7851 calories. That's a good workout.
Then off to the gym for a good solid strength training session.
If you want a copy of the program Christine and I use, get yourself a copy of the Strength Training Diary at http://www.fitandhealthyonline.com/ It's contains an outline of the Complete Strength Training Program.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and kick-start your metabolism. You'll feel better.
John Miller
We live in a society where a lot of people don't seem to be all that happy, but they can't put their finger on the reason for their unhappiness. If you fit into the unhappy category, reboot your happiness centre by doing some of the things happy people do.
1. Increase the amount of physical activity you do - get your heart rate up
The first thing to do is reset your metabolism. One of the foundations of happiness is a metabolic system that's in top working order. If you don't get enough aerobic exercise you can feel like this.
Once you start exercising you get more oxygen into your body, you start releasing 'feel-good' endorphins from your brain, you give the limbic centre of your brain a boost, you get out of your body the waste products of your metabolism you can do better without. As a result, your mood changes, you feel happier.
What the exercise does is give you a metabolic defrag.
The exercise-led recovery takes about a week to kick in.
Start slowly, ease into it, don't bust your boiler. Walking is a good place to start. It's pretty hard to injure yourself just by walking.
2. Change your diet
An enriched supply of omega 3 fats will give your limbic centre a boost as well.
For some people laying off wheat flour, makes a difference to the way they feel. If you have an intolerance to wheat flour, you could feel tired, get frequent headaches, find it easy to put on fat around your body, have elevated blood pressure. You become sluggish. You feel dreadful. It's hard to feel happy when you feel dreadful!
Conduct the experiment and go without anything with wheat in it for a week - no bread, no biscuits, no pasta, no cake. Now I know these are the four major food groups in our society (!), but you won't die if you don't eat them! On the contrary, there's still plenty to eat, meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit. This could really make a big difference to your metabolism - and the way you feel.
Well, there's much more to happiness that that, but it will have to wait for some future blogs.
On the track
An hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm. 1013 steps and 7851 calories. That's a good workout.
Then off to the gym for a good solid strength training session.
If you want a copy of the program Christine and I use, get yourself a copy of the Strength Training Diary at http://www.fitandhealthyonline.com/ It's contains an outline of the Complete Strength Training Program.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and kick-start your metabolism. You'll feel better.
John Miller
McKILLOP THERAPY - Health Bolgarithm, Saturday 16th January 2010
As I suggested I might do the other day, I did write to the Minister for (ill)Health about McKillop therapy.
Dear Minister,
I've just read of the remarkable recovery a woman experienced from terminal cancer after praying to a picture of the long deceased Mary McKillop.
It sounds extraordinary and I write to ask
a. whether this treatment passes the test of evidence-based medicine set by the Department of Health for medical treatments?
b. whether they is any evidence that prayer is any more affective in the treatment of terminal cancer that any other recognised medical treatment?
c. whether the Department will be sending messages to doctors getting them to add this treatment to their prescription repertoire?
d. whether this treatment will eligible for inclusion in the Medicare rebate system?
I'll keep Health Blogarithim readers posted.
On the track
Had to get up early and get in a workout on the stepper because I spent the morning doing fitness tests for an organisation. It's a servic-type organisation where poeople need some sort of fitness to do the job properly; though from what I've observed, the tones that are riding round in cars and dining at McDonalds don't look in great shape. Half of them would probably run the risk of a heart attack if they had to get out of the car and chase after someone.
It's a stange state of affairs when you have to be as fit as a trout to get into this organisation and then once you're in it doesn't matter if you never do another pressup or balloon out to 120 Kg.
It's also strange that some of the people who came to the fitness part of the recruitment session, had no fitness whatsoever.
My advice to this organisation will be to tell their potential recruits that if they can't do 40 good situps, 40 good pressups and run 45 x 20m laps in 5 minutes don't bother coming.
Anyway, I got in 40 minutes on the stepper all over 140 bpm. 775 steps and 592 calories. In fact, even after having a shower I still had a slight sweat upwhen I go to the testing venue.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and wait for the reply from the Minister for (ill) Health.
John Miller
Dear Minister,
I've just read of the remarkable recovery a woman experienced from terminal cancer after praying to a picture of the long deceased Mary McKillop.
It sounds extraordinary and I write to ask
a. whether this treatment passes the test of evidence-based medicine set by the Department of Health for medical treatments?
b. whether they is any evidence that prayer is any more affective in the treatment of terminal cancer that any other recognised medical treatment?
c. whether the Department will be sending messages to doctors getting them to add this treatment to their prescription repertoire?
d. whether this treatment will eligible for inclusion in the Medicare rebate system?
I'll keep Health Blogarithim readers posted.
On the track
Had to get up early and get in a workout on the stepper because I spent the morning doing fitness tests for an organisation. It's a servic-type organisation where poeople need some sort of fitness to do the job properly; though from what I've observed, the tones that are riding round in cars and dining at McDonalds don't look in great shape. Half of them would probably run the risk of a heart attack if they had to get out of the car and chase after someone.
It's a stange state of affairs when you have to be as fit as a trout to get into this organisation and then once you're in it doesn't matter if you never do another pressup or balloon out to 120 Kg.
It's also strange that some of the people who came to the fitness part of the recruitment session, had no fitness whatsoever.
My advice to this organisation will be to tell their potential recruits that if they can't do 40 good situps, 40 good pressups and run 45 x 20m laps in 5 minutes don't bother coming.
Anyway, I got in 40 minutes on the stepper all over 140 bpm. 775 steps and 592 calories. In fact, even after having a shower I still had a slight sweat upwhen I go to the testing venue.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and wait for the reply from the Minister for (ill) Health.
John Miller
Thursday, January 14, 2010
ATTENTION, ATTENTION: DEFICIT - Health Blogarithm Thursday January 14th 2010
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome is definitely not caused by a lack of Ritalin.
Whenever you see the word 'syndrome' you know this is medical speak for 'we don't know what's causing this unusual, non-conforming behaviour.'
Well I can tell you; it's the reaction to a hypo active lifestyle.
Most adults when they become hypo active become depressed. Kids become inattentive and want to race around.
The medical solution, slow them down more.
It's bunkum.
Following on from yesterday's post, here we have all these kids cooped up in cages all day and we wonder why some of them get a bit toey. These are the kids who have the natural urge to be racing around all the time. We give them a drug to slow them down - irregardless of what the long term effect of that drug is.
Let these kids run free.
Yesterday I said the first two subjects in the curriculum should be
- health, fitness and wellbeing
- success.
The next lot should be singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. Then add a subject call 'making things', and another subject 'how things work' and we're starting to cook with gas. For good measure add gardening and work generally. Kids need to learn how to work and work hard. It's good for them.
Then bring in aritimetic, mental and reading and writing.
Leave maths out altogether. Who uses this stuff.? I'll tell you, nobody, except a few engineers and boffins. Introduction of the metric system for money, distances, areas and volumes, coupled with the calculator and the spreadsheet should just about have got rid of maths from school.
Maths ands science are for universities. Protect children from this crap.
Arithmetic, by all means. However because there are no professors of arithmetic in universities this is not a popular line.
On the track
I went jogging this morning for the first time in ages along the Namatjira track - the one we walk in the mornings. I couldn't say it was a run, just a jog and it felt good.
Achilles felt really good. 25 minutes.
In the evening had a very good strength training workout in the gym.
If you wan to see what Christine and I do at the gym go to www.fitandhealthyonline.com
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, just because you don't want to sit down, shut up and get on with your work doesn't mean you need a slab of Ritalin.
John Miller
Whenever you see the word 'syndrome' you know this is medical speak for 'we don't know what's causing this unusual, non-conforming behaviour.'
Well I can tell you; it's the reaction to a hypo active lifestyle.
Most adults when they become hypo active become depressed. Kids become inattentive and want to race around.
The medical solution, slow them down more.
It's bunkum.
Following on from yesterday's post, here we have all these kids cooped up in cages all day and we wonder why some of them get a bit toey. These are the kids who have the natural urge to be racing around all the time. We give them a drug to slow them down - irregardless of what the long term effect of that drug is.
Let these kids run free.
Yesterday I said the first two subjects in the curriculum should be
- health, fitness and wellbeing
- success.
The next lot should be singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. Then add a subject call 'making things', and another subject 'how things work' and we're starting to cook with gas. For good measure add gardening and work generally. Kids need to learn how to work and work hard. It's good for them.
Then bring in aritimetic, mental and reading and writing.
Leave maths out altogether. Who uses this stuff.? I'll tell you, nobody, except a few engineers and boffins. Introduction of the metric system for money, distances, areas and volumes, coupled with the calculator and the spreadsheet should just about have got rid of maths from school.
Maths ands science are for universities. Protect children from this crap.
Arithmetic, by all means. However because there are no professors of arithmetic in universities this is not a popular line.
On the track
I went jogging this morning for the first time in ages along the Namatjira track - the one we walk in the mornings. I couldn't say it was a run, just a jog and it felt good.
Achilles felt really good. 25 minutes.
In the evening had a very good strength training workout in the gym.
If you wan to see what Christine and I do at the gym go to www.fitandhealthyonline.com
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, just because you don't want to sit down, shut up and get on with your work doesn't mean you need a slab of Ritalin.
John Miller
CHAMPING AT THE BIT- Health Blogarithm, Wednesday 13th January 2010
On the track
Got up shite and briny, did half and hour on the stepper (over 140 bpm) before going out with the boys.
My Achilles is feeling better and I thought I'd give it a work out and run for a bit.
Well I got into a conversation with Noel and before you could say Jack Robinson we'd finished.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you want to maintain the exercise habit, do it with someone else.
John Miller
Got up shite and briny, did half and hour on the stepper (over 140 bpm) before going out with the boys.
My Achilles is feeling better and I thought I'd give it a work out and run for a bit.
Well I got into a conversation with Noel and before you could say Jack Robinson we'd finished.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you want to maintain the exercise habit, do it with someone else.
John Miller
UNHEALTHY CHILDREN - Health Blogarithm Tuesday 12th of January 2010
You'd reckon about the most important thing kids should graduate from school in exceptionally rude health.
Sadly for many of them that's not the case. They're graduating in poor shape, which means there's a good chance they will never know what good shape is.
The epidemic of metabolic dysfunction, is starting in childhood. The number who end up obese by the time they reach 20 is legion. Obesity is the most visible sign of metabolic dysfunction.
Show me a kid who is over weight and I'll show you a kid who is under-exercised.
As I've said before, it's a big ask expecting to be healthy without being fit. It's weird that the Minister of health just doesn't get it.
So what are the first of the key core areas in the new Australian curriculum? You guessed it, maths, science, English and history - kids sitting on there bums all day, caged in their classrooms doing sums, writing essays, getting unfitter and stressing out.
I look at my two young grand sons and think, 'you poor little fellas'. In a couple of years they'll be starting school and will be cooped up here for the next 12 years.
So how do you convince a government that the number one priority in a child's education is their health, fitness and wellbeing.
You can't. They're impervious to advice that doesn't come from professors of match, scoence, English and History.
So what's happening is we're developing a curriculum that takes us back to the 1920's, one that turns out schools into miniature iniversities.
I reckon the first two subjects in any school curriculum should be
1. health, fitness and wellbeing
2. success.
Imaging spending time teaching history when you could be teaching children how to create for themselves a powerful optimistic and successful future. All history does is repeat itself!
In this country the governments of Australia spend $100B on medical services and $100B on welfare, principally because kids haven't been taught how to look after themselves.
So sadly another generation of kids is destined to spend 12 years of their lives working out sums that have been done millions of times before, just to prove they're intelligent.
It's bunkum.
On the track
A surprising work out on the stepper. 30 minutes all over level 8 and all over 140bpm.
Weighed 15.6 Kg, so that's encouraging.
After work went to the gym and had the shortest workout on record. But at least we went.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, a short workout's better than no workout.
Sadly for many of them that's not the case. They're graduating in poor shape, which means there's a good chance they will never know what good shape is.
The epidemic of metabolic dysfunction, is starting in childhood. The number who end up obese by the time they reach 20 is legion. Obesity is the most visible sign of metabolic dysfunction.
Show me a kid who is over weight and I'll show you a kid who is under-exercised.
As I've said before, it's a big ask expecting to be healthy without being fit. It's weird that the Minister of health just doesn't get it.
So what are the first of the key core areas in the new Australian curriculum? You guessed it, maths, science, English and history - kids sitting on there bums all day, caged in their classrooms doing sums, writing essays, getting unfitter and stressing out.
I look at my two young grand sons and think, 'you poor little fellas'. In a couple of years they'll be starting school and will be cooped up here for the next 12 years.
So how do you convince a government that the number one priority in a child's education is their health, fitness and wellbeing.
You can't. They're impervious to advice that doesn't come from professors of match, scoence, English and History.
So what's happening is we're developing a curriculum that takes us back to the 1920's, one that turns out schools into miniature iniversities.
I reckon the first two subjects in any school curriculum should be
1. health, fitness and wellbeing
2. success.
Imaging spending time teaching history when you could be teaching children how to create for themselves a powerful optimistic and successful future. All history does is repeat itself!
In this country the governments of Australia spend $100B on medical services and $100B on welfare, principally because kids haven't been taught how to look after themselves.
So sadly another generation of kids is destined to spend 12 years of their lives working out sums that have been done millions of times before, just to prove they're intelligent.
It's bunkum.
On the track
A surprising work out on the stepper. 30 minutes all over level 8 and all over 140bpm.
Weighed 15.6 Kg, so that's encouraging.
After work went to the gym and had the shortest workout on record. But at least we went.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, a short workout's better than no workout.
EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE - Health Blogarithm, Monday 11th January 2009
Just saw on the TV that if you pray to a medallion with a picture of Mary McKillop on it there's a good chance that you'll recover from terminal cancer.
I think I'll write to the Minister of Health to ask whether she's going to recommend hospitals set up McKillop wards to treat cancer patients.
On the track
Spend 30 minutes on the stepper all over 130 bpm before walking with the boys for 40.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, one cancer remission does not a saint make.
John Miller
I think I'll write to the Minister of Health to ask whether she's going to recommend hospitals set up McKillop wards to treat cancer patients.
On the track
Spend 30 minutes on the stepper all over 130 bpm before walking with the boys for 40.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, one cancer remission does not a saint make.
John Miller
Sunday, January 10, 2010
HOT AND TIRED - Health Blogarithm, Sunday 10th January 2009
After yesterday's blinder on the stepper, today felt as flat as a pancake.
Plus I frigged around for too long and it was hot, too hot really.
On the track
30 minutes on the stepper, heart rate just ticking over at 105.
But a good strength training session at the gym.
Weighed 86.0 Kg.
In the meantime stay cool, very cool.
John Miller
Plus I frigged around for too long and it was hot, too hot really.
On the track
30 minutes on the stepper, heart rate just ticking over at 105.
But a good strength training session at the gym.
Weighed 86.0 Kg.
In the meantime stay cool, very cool.
John Miller
MERYL STREEP - Health Blogarithm Saturday 9th January 2009
Went to the pictures at the Dendy Cinemas in the city last night. It was a toss up Avatar or Meryl Steep.
Meryl Streep was a good choice. Jeez she can act. She can act so well you don't even need to take much notice of the plot.
I can tell you though we came away with a nasty taste in our mouths after buying a glass of wine. $10 for a glass of wine that came out of a $14 (retail) bottle. I imagine they get it wholesale for less than 10 bucks. Next time I'll have drink before I go, or take in a flask. It's rapacious.
On the track
A burster on the stepper. 40 minutes, 817 steps and 625 Calories. When you see more than 800 steps in 40 minutes you know it's all at level 8.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and every now and then suck your guts in and poke your chest out.
John Miller
Meryl Streep was a good choice. Jeez she can act. She can act so well you don't even need to take much notice of the plot.
I can tell you though we came away with a nasty taste in our mouths after buying a glass of wine. $10 for a glass of wine that came out of a $14 (retail) bottle. I imagine they get it wholesale for less than 10 bucks. Next time I'll have drink before I go, or take in a flask. It's rapacious.
On the track
A burster on the stepper. 40 minutes, 817 steps and 625 Calories. When you see more than 800 steps in 40 minutes you know it's all at level 8.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and every now and then suck your guts in and poke your chest out.
John Miller
GLOBAL WARMING - Health Blogarithm Friday 8th January 2009
It;'s a quiet day here in downtown Canberra. But it's hotting up. It will be over the Century on Sunday. Must be global warming, matching the global cooling that's going on in the Northern hemisphere.
I was in Whyalla on January 2nd 1960 when the mercury touched 49.4. On our back veranda is was 121 in the old language.
My brother Geoff and I road our bikes five miles on the way home from the Basin swimming hole in the middle of the day. We dived in with our clothes on, pedalled to the end of the breakwater, dived in again, kept pedalling to the One Mile where we drenched ourselves under the tap and then headed for home.
When we got home no one thought any more about it.
When it soars over 50 in Whyalla let me know and I'll cut back on my shower.
On the track
Went for a 40 minute walk with the boys. It must look a bit like Gunfight at the OK Coral as four of us walk down Salvado Place on the way to pick up Frank.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and give me a call when it gets to 150 in Whyalla.
John Miller
I was in Whyalla on January 2nd 1960 when the mercury touched 49.4. On our back veranda is was 121 in the old language.
My brother Geoff and I road our bikes five miles on the way home from the Basin swimming hole in the middle of the day. We dived in with our clothes on, pedalled to the end of the breakwater, dived in again, kept pedalling to the One Mile where we drenched ourselves under the tap and then headed for home.
When we got home no one thought any more about it.
When it soars over 50 in Whyalla let me know and I'll cut back on my shower.
On the track
Went for a 40 minute walk with the boys. It must look a bit like Gunfight at the OK Coral as four of us walk down Salvado Place on the way to pick up Frank.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and give me a call when it gets to 150 in Whyalla.
John Miller
Friday, January 8, 2010
WELLBEING TEST - Health Bogarithm, Thursday 7th Januarey 2010
I recently had lunch with a mate of mine, Neil Gray who runs Australia's leading fitness trails business ( www.fitnesstrails.com.au ) and before we got stuck into it he passed over the ten finger wellbeing test.
It's yes or no. One point for yes, 0 for no.
1. I really love my job.
2. I always get enough sleep and wake up refreshed.
3. I'm within 2.5 Kg of my ideal weight.
4. I don't smoke cigarettes - or anything else.
5. I keep track of my blood pressure.
6. I know and use at least 3 methods to reduce stress without resorting to alcohol or drugs.
7. I engage in vigorous physical activity at least 3 times a week.
8. I follow sensible eating habits.
9. I have less than 7 alcoholic drinks a week.
10. I have a positive mental attitude.
On the track
Spent 30 minutes on the treadmill all over 130 bpm.
Had a good strength training session in the evening at the gym.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and next time you do the 10 finger wellbeing test score higher than you did today.
John Miller
It's yes or no. One point for yes, 0 for no.
1. I really love my job.
2. I always get enough sleep and wake up refreshed.
3. I'm within 2.5 Kg of my ideal weight.
4. I don't smoke cigarettes - or anything else.
5. I keep track of my blood pressure.
6. I know and use at least 3 methods to reduce stress without resorting to alcohol or drugs.
7. I engage in vigorous physical activity at least 3 times a week.
8. I follow sensible eating habits.
9. I have less than 7 alcoholic drinks a week.
10. I have a positive mental attitude.
On the track
Spent 30 minutes on the treadmill all over 130 bpm.
Had a good strength training session in the evening at the gym.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and next time you do the 10 finger wellbeing test score higher than you did today.
John Miller
aerobic fitness,
back pain,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
THE PODIATRIST - Health Blogarithm, Wednesday 6th January 2010
I went over to Woden to the podiatrist today.
I'd recently spoken to a mate of mine John Casey, a Bowen therapist, about my Achilles tendinitis and he suggested go and see Ben Balthazaar and get a pair of orthotics.
Christine's daughter works there so she arranged an appointment for me. I blanched when she said what orthotics cost.
Anyway I paid the visit this afternoon and got a very attentive and thoughtful appraisal. Ben is highly regarded in sporting circles around Canberra for his expertise in foot and leg function.
Part of the analysis was checking out my foot structure and whether function is normal. It's not.
He pointed out that I have high arches and tight feet, calf and hip muscles. Hamstrings are OK. I do stretches for the calf and hip muscles but they don't seem to have much effect.
Plus, I know that the musculo-skeletal structure I'm left with after 60 years of racing around might be difficult to change. That's why I went to see Ben, to get a different opinion.
Then it was time to video my gait while walking on the treadmill.
The analysis showed that my foot didn't strike the way it's meant to. Instead of leaning in as it strikes it moves out. I would not have been able to pick this myself.
The upshot was a tailor-made insert to get my foot striking better.
Ben noticed that the leg with the Achilles problem appeared to be shorter the other one by almost a centimetre. Egoscue says that in most cases the legs are the same length but the misalignment of the pelvis gives the appearance that leg length is uneven.
I've known for some time that I'm slightly twisted and as a result more of my weight rests on my right side _where the Achilles problem is - than my left side. If you stand on two scales you can find out how much you are leaning to one side. It's a useful exercise.
Now, I've been working on getting my hips better aligned, lying on the floor with my legs resting, outstretched against the wall - bottom in close to the wall.
I've also been doing the supine groin stretch and the static back exercise. I'm hopeful that in the medium term I'm going to get back into better alignment.
But to cut a long story short I've got the inserts in my running shoes. If my feet strike the ground better maybe there's the chance that the pressure will come off the Achilles and the tendon inflammation will disappear. I'm hoping so.
There is a good chance that these things are caused by more than one dysfunction. Here's hoping if I can get the feet and hips better aligned I'll be pain free.
I'll report back on how it all goes.
On the track
Did 40 minutes walking with the boys. Had trouble keeping up due to the strength training session the night before. My legs and calves were tired. But sheesh, those blokes walk fast. I have trouble keeping up.
Weight 86.4 kg.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and put yourself in the hands of an expert.
John Miller
I'd recently spoken to a mate of mine John Casey, a Bowen therapist, about my Achilles tendinitis and he suggested go and see Ben Balthazaar and get a pair of orthotics.
Christine's daughter works there so she arranged an appointment for me. I blanched when she said what orthotics cost.
Anyway I paid the visit this afternoon and got a very attentive and thoughtful appraisal. Ben is highly regarded in sporting circles around Canberra for his expertise in foot and leg function.
Part of the analysis was checking out my foot structure and whether function is normal. It's not.
He pointed out that I have high arches and tight feet, calf and hip muscles. Hamstrings are OK. I do stretches for the calf and hip muscles but they don't seem to have much effect.
Plus, I know that the musculo-skeletal structure I'm left with after 60 years of racing around might be difficult to change. That's why I went to see Ben, to get a different opinion.
Then it was time to video my gait while walking on the treadmill.
The analysis showed that my foot didn't strike the way it's meant to. Instead of leaning in as it strikes it moves out. I would not have been able to pick this myself.
The upshot was a tailor-made insert to get my foot striking better.
Ben noticed that the leg with the Achilles problem appeared to be shorter the other one by almost a centimetre. Egoscue says that in most cases the legs are the same length but the misalignment of the pelvis gives the appearance that leg length is uneven.
I've known for some time that I'm slightly twisted and as a result more of my weight rests on my right side _where the Achilles problem is - than my left side. If you stand on two scales you can find out how much you are leaning to one side. It's a useful exercise.
Now, I've been working on getting my hips better aligned, lying on the floor with my legs resting, outstretched against the wall - bottom in close to the wall.
I've also been doing the supine groin stretch and the static back exercise. I'm hopeful that in the medium term I'm going to get back into better alignment.
But to cut a long story short I've got the inserts in my running shoes. If my feet strike the ground better maybe there's the chance that the pressure will come off the Achilles and the tendon inflammation will disappear. I'm hoping so.
There is a good chance that these things are caused by more than one dysfunction. Here's hoping if I can get the feet and hips better aligned I'll be pain free.
I'll report back on how it all goes.
On the track
Did 40 minutes walking with the boys. Had trouble keeping up due to the strength training session the night before. My legs and calves were tired. But sheesh, those blokes walk fast. I have trouble keeping up.
Weight 86.4 kg.
In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned and put yourself in the hands of an expert.
John Miller
PARABLE OF THE RUNNER - Health Blogarithm Tuesday 5th January 2010
A man went out for a run.
He’d only run a hundred yards when he felt a twinge in his right calf muscle. He slowed down to a walk and then returned home. He put ice on it, rested it for a few days, started walking again and soon found that he could shuffle slowly without discomfort. He gradually turned the shuffle into a jog. Then the jog became a run. He kept on running.
Then the weather took a turn for the worse, it became cold and wet. He wanted to stay in bed where it was warm, but he got up every morning at 6.30, rugged himself up - and kept on running.
His work took him to a far off place where it was hot so he couldn’t train outside. He kept on running, inside on the treadmill in the gym.
There were times when he was tired, when he’d gone to bed late. He got up anyway, put on his shorts, tee shirt and running shoes, got outside the front door - and kept on running, one leg at a time.
Other times while he was running he felt that he couldn’t go any further. He was stuffed. So he slowed down, went back to shuffling and jogging, paced himself - but kept on running.
He had hard days and easy days, but regardless of how he felt at the start of a run - he kept on running.
When he became stale he started cross training. As well as running he went swimming and cycling and worked out on the stepper. He lifted weights and after tea did his stretches on the floor while watching TV.
His health improved, he got back closer to his ideal weight, he slept better, his blood pressure and cholesterol came down. He was as lean as a greyhound, fit as a trout and toey as a Roman sandal.
His running times improved 30%. He could run for 60 minutes. He felt 100% better.
He who has feet let him run.
On the track
All I did today was went to the gym with Christine for a strength training workout and had a hamburger on the way home.
I can't run at the moment, not game enough to, Achilles still not right. Have booked in to see the foot man tomorrow.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and keep training.
John Miller
He’d only run a hundred yards when he felt a twinge in his right calf muscle. He slowed down to a walk and then returned home. He put ice on it, rested it for a few days, started walking again and soon found that he could shuffle slowly without discomfort. He gradually turned the shuffle into a jog. Then the jog became a run. He kept on running.
Then the weather took a turn for the worse, it became cold and wet. He wanted to stay in bed where it was warm, but he got up every morning at 6.30, rugged himself up - and kept on running.
His work took him to a far off place where it was hot so he couldn’t train outside. He kept on running, inside on the treadmill in the gym.
There were times when he was tired, when he’d gone to bed late. He got up anyway, put on his shorts, tee shirt and running shoes, got outside the front door - and kept on running, one leg at a time.
Other times while he was running he felt that he couldn’t go any further. He was stuffed. So he slowed down, went back to shuffling and jogging, paced himself - but kept on running.
He had hard days and easy days, but regardless of how he felt at the start of a run - he kept on running.
When he became stale he started cross training. As well as running he went swimming and cycling and worked out on the stepper. He lifted weights and after tea did his stretches on the floor while watching TV.
His health improved, he got back closer to his ideal weight, he slept better, his blood pressure and cholesterol came down. He was as lean as a greyhound, fit as a trout and toey as a Roman sandal.
His running times improved 30%. He could run for 60 minutes. He felt 100% better.
He who has feet let him run.
On the track
All I did today was went to the gym with Christine for a strength training workout and had a hamburger on the way home.
I can't run at the moment, not game enough to, Achilles still not right. Have booked in to see the foot man tomorrow.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and keep training.
John Miller
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
NEW DEPRESSION CURE - Health Bogarithm, Monday 4th January 2010
Got an email broadside from the Health Science Institute ( http://www.hsibaltimore.com/ ) about a new non-prescription drug treatment for depression.
It's in a recently released book by a Dr Mark Stengler, The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies. Stengler is an ND, not an MD, but these days it's not so much your qualifications but your expertise that counts.
When most doctors are running junk medical practices maybe there's a case for natural healing therapies.
Here's the blurb on depression.
Sandy had been tormented by depression for over 10 years. At times, it would get so bad she couldn't get out of bed and go to work.
"I've tried everything," she told me. Her list included psychiatric counseling... St. John's wort... B vitamins... acupuncture... and even hypnosis. She refused to go on antidepressant drugs; otherwise, those would have been on her list as well.
But there was one natural remedy Sandy had not tried. And when I gave it to her, her whole life turned around in just 5 days!
What is this amazing remedy? It's an amino acid compound called S-adenosylmethionine, or AdoMet for short.
AdoMet works by increasing dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine -- the natural brain chemicals that boost your mood. This is similar to the way antidepressant drugs work.
But here's the difference: AdoMet also improves the way your brain cells receive these chemicals. Result: While antidepressant drugs can take a month to take effect, AdoMet starts working almost immediately.
AdoMet has been proven effective in over 38 studies. Some of these studies compared it head-to-head against the leading drugs and found that it works just as well or better... but without the side effects. In fact, the studies found that AdoMet has even fewer side effects than a placebo!
But that's not all. AdoMet also helps liver problems... fatigue... memory problems... and pain and stiffness!
When you turn to page 396 of The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies you'll get all the details on AdoMet, including dosage instructions.
Then flip through the book where you'll find hundreds of other fast-acting natural remedies.
The book is available from Bottom Line Books. http://www.bottomlinebooks.com/index.html
Now I'm not an expert on the diagnosis or treatment of clinical depression, but there again, not many doctors are either. They say you can diagnose the condition and prescibe Zoloft in 7 minutes flat these days!
I'm keeping an open mind. If a new treatment works for some, it may work for many.
On the track
Started the day at 6am with 30 minutes on the stepper at over 130 bpm. Then went for a 40 minute walk with the boys.
In the evening Christine and I went swimming for about 20 minutes - 36 laps, in the Zoggs flippers. It's getting easier. I highly recommend those Zoggs flippers.
I've started giving myself 2 aerabytes for every minutes walked. The walking seems to be getting faster.
All up today I reckon I got 260 aerabytes. That's not too bad.
Weightd 86.0 kg. Must be doing something right.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember that deprsssion is a metabolic dysfunction - as much as it is a psychological dysfunction. That's another reason to keep yourself in exceptionally good shape.
John Miller
It's in a recently released book by a Dr Mark Stengler, The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies. Stengler is an ND, not an MD, but these days it's not so much your qualifications but your expertise that counts.
When most doctors are running junk medical practices maybe there's a case for natural healing therapies.
Here's the blurb on depression.
Sandy had been tormented by depression for over 10 years. At times, it would get so bad she couldn't get out of bed and go to work.
"I've tried everything," she told me. Her list included psychiatric counseling... St. John's wort... B vitamins... acupuncture... and even hypnosis. She refused to go on antidepressant drugs; otherwise, those would have been on her list as well.
But there was one natural remedy Sandy had not tried. And when I gave it to her, her whole life turned around in just 5 days!
What is this amazing remedy? It's an amino acid compound called S-adenosylmethionine, or AdoMet for short.
AdoMet works by increasing dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine -- the natural brain chemicals that boost your mood. This is similar to the way antidepressant drugs work.
But here's the difference: AdoMet also improves the way your brain cells receive these chemicals. Result: While antidepressant drugs can take a month to take effect, AdoMet starts working almost immediately.
AdoMet has been proven effective in over 38 studies. Some of these studies compared it head-to-head against the leading drugs and found that it works just as well or better... but without the side effects. In fact, the studies found that AdoMet has even fewer side effects than a placebo!
But that's not all. AdoMet also helps liver problems... fatigue... memory problems... and pain and stiffness!
When you turn to page 396 of The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies you'll get all the details on AdoMet, including dosage instructions.
Then flip through the book where you'll find hundreds of other fast-acting natural remedies.
The book is available from Bottom Line Books. http://www.bottomlinebooks.com/index.html
Now I'm not an expert on the diagnosis or treatment of clinical depression, but there again, not many doctors are either. They say you can diagnose the condition and prescibe Zoloft in 7 minutes flat these days!
I'm keeping an open mind. If a new treatment works for some, it may work for many.
On the track
Started the day at 6am with 30 minutes on the stepper at over 130 bpm. Then went for a 40 minute walk with the boys.
In the evening Christine and I went swimming for about 20 minutes - 36 laps, in the Zoggs flippers. It's getting easier. I highly recommend those Zoggs flippers.
I've started giving myself 2 aerabytes for every minutes walked. The walking seems to be getting faster.
All up today I reckon I got 260 aerabytes. That's not too bad.
Weightd 86.0 kg. Must be doing something right.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember that deprsssion is a metabolic dysfunction - as much as it is a psychological dysfunction. That's another reason to keep yourself in exceptionally good shape.
John Miller
NEW CANCER CURE - Health Blogarithm 3rd January 2010
Was watching TV. Apparently there's a new cancer cure just out; purple carrot juice.
You can read all about it on this link.
Here's what they had to say.
There are not many vegetables quite as orange as carrots, but carrots date back to the 16th century and back then they were actually purple.
Well, the purple carrot is making a comeback in specialty grocery stores and it's not just because of the presentational value.
The purple carrot is a nutritional powerhouse and it's being hailed as one of the most powerful foods on the planet for its mighty health benefits.
Modern orange carrots have always been known as an excellent source of vitamin A and phytochemicals including carotenoids, phenolics, polyacetylenes, isocoumarins, and sesquiterpenes.
But the ancient purple carrot has double the level of beta-carotene than the orange carrot and contains 28 times more anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that give vegetables their red, blue and purple colours. But more importantly, they capture harmful free radicals in the body, slow blood clotting and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Recent studies have shown that these benefits as well as other antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic activities can help and prevent with cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Professor Lindsay Brown of The University of Queensland is conducting research on the purple carrot and hopes to prove that it is the most powerful food on this planet.
To find out more about the purple carrot and Professor Lindsay Brown, visit Dr Red Nutraceuticals at http://www.drred.com.au or phone 07 3289 3904.ent.
Recent studies have shown that these benefits as well as other antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic activities can help and prevent with cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Professor Lindsay Brown of The University of Queensland is conducting research on the purple carrot and hopes to prove that it is the most powerful food on this planet.
To find out more about the purple carrot and Professor Lindsay Brown, visit Dr Red Nutraceuticals at http://www.drred.com.au or phone 07 3289 3904.
So there you go. There must be something in it. Here are the words the spell-checker didn't know.
phytochemicals, carotenoids, phenolics, polyacetylenes, isocoumarins, sesquiterpenes, anthocyanins.
On the track
40 minutes on the stepper at 120 bpm for 692 steps and 529 calories. Weighted 86.8 kg. Getting worse. Must be sabotaging myself! Maybe it's all muscle!
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and keep eating purple carrots.
John Miller
You can read all about it on this link.
Here's what they had to say.
There are not many vegetables quite as orange as carrots, but carrots date back to the 16th century and back then they were actually purple.
Well, the purple carrot is making a comeback in specialty grocery stores and it's not just because of the presentational value.
The purple carrot is a nutritional powerhouse and it's being hailed as one of the most powerful foods on the planet for its mighty health benefits.
Modern orange carrots have always been known as an excellent source of vitamin A and phytochemicals including carotenoids, phenolics, polyacetylenes, isocoumarins, and sesquiterpenes.
But the ancient purple carrot has double the level of beta-carotene than the orange carrot and contains 28 times more anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that give vegetables their red, blue and purple colours. But more importantly, they capture harmful free radicals in the body, slow blood clotting and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Recent studies have shown that these benefits as well as other antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic activities can help and prevent with cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Professor Lindsay Brown of The University of Queensland is conducting research on the purple carrot and hopes to prove that it is the most powerful food on this planet.
To find out more about the purple carrot and Professor Lindsay Brown, visit Dr Red Nutraceuticals at http://www.drred.com.au or phone 07 3289 3904.ent.
Recent studies have shown that these benefits as well as other antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic activities can help and prevent with cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Professor Lindsay Brown of The University of Queensland is conducting research on the purple carrot and hopes to prove that it is the most powerful food on this planet.
To find out more about the purple carrot and Professor Lindsay Brown, visit Dr Red Nutraceuticals at http://www.drred.com.au or phone 07 3289 3904.
So there you go. There must be something in it. Here are the words the spell-checker didn't know.
phytochemicals, carotenoids, phenolics, polyacetylenes, isocoumarins, sesquiterpenes, anthocyanins.
On the track
40 minutes on the stepper at 120 bpm for 692 steps and 529 calories. Weighted 86.8 kg. Getting worse. Must be sabotaging myself! Maybe it's all muscle!
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and keep eating purple carrots.
John Miller
Friday, January 1, 2010
GETTING FATTER - Health Blogarithm January 2nd 2009
Well here we go again.
Been back from holidays one day and weight has gone from 85.6 kg to 66.6 kg.
I reckon I did pretty well o9n holidays to moderate food intake. When we go away we tend to restrict ourselves to a decent) breakfast and an evening meal. Without a lot of bread, chocolate and ice cream we've found we can keep ourselves in reasonable shape.
Maybe it was the couple of milk shakes I had on the way home from Wollongong. I had one and then polished off half of Christine's as well. Stupid. Gluttony.
Maybe it was the hamburger and chips we had on New Year's eve in front of the tele.
Maybe it was the chocolate and a few drinks we had on New Year's eve.
Maybe it was drinking left over Coke during the day. This is stuff that doesn't need to be in our house.
Maybe it was the left over biscuits and cheese we had mid way through the afternoon.
Maybe it was going out for tea last night to celebrate Alison's birthday.
But sheesh John, if you're going to get into those trousers you can't afford lapses like this. You need help!
It's not good living in hope that you're going to weigh less tomorrow if you gutz yourself out today. You're crazy! You're a disgrace! You should be ashamed of yourself!
You ought to keep a food diary. I've read that this really keeps people on the straight and narrow.
On the track
An hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm, so that's 300 aerabytes. Then a session at the gym. You can purchase my strength training program at www.fitandheathyonline.com
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, if you're going to weight less tomorrow than you are today, curb the inner hunger - and train longer.
John Miller
Been back from holidays one day and weight has gone from 85.6 kg to 66.6 kg.
I reckon I did pretty well o9n holidays to moderate food intake. When we go away we tend to restrict ourselves to a decent) breakfast and an evening meal. Without a lot of bread, chocolate and ice cream we've found we can keep ourselves in reasonable shape.
Maybe it was the couple of milk shakes I had on the way home from Wollongong. I had one and then polished off half of Christine's as well. Stupid. Gluttony.
Maybe it was the hamburger and chips we had on New Year's eve in front of the tele.
Maybe it was the chocolate and a few drinks we had on New Year's eve.
Maybe it was drinking left over Coke during the day. This is stuff that doesn't need to be in our house.
Maybe it was the left over biscuits and cheese we had mid way through the afternoon.
Maybe it was going out for tea last night to celebrate Alison's birthday.
But sheesh John, if you're going to get into those trousers you can't afford lapses like this. You need help!
It's not good living in hope that you're going to weigh less tomorrow if you gutz yourself out today. You're crazy! You're a disgrace! You should be ashamed of yourself!
You ought to keep a food diary. I've read that this really keeps people on the straight and narrow.
On the track
An hour on the stepper all over 140 bpm, so that's 300 aerabytes. Then a session at the gym. You can purchase my strength training program at www.fitandheathyonline.com
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, if you're going to weight less tomorrow than you are today, curb the inner hunger - and train longer.
John Miller
MY GOALS FOR 2010 January 1st 2010
Health Bogarithm, January 1st 2010
I've been saying for a couple of months now that I'd like to retire on my 65th birthday in June.
By retire, I mean I can sit back and get on with doing things I want to do and which give me pleasure. It will involve a continuing interest in the projects listed below, but importantly my goal will be to have sufficient income each week to allow Christine to retire as well.
It is unlikely that Christine and I will be able to keep bread on the table through dividends from our investments. There has to be a continuing income from the projects, probably from now until kingdom come.
Anyway, I can't see myself suddenly losing interest on what has been an abiding passion since I was in high school.
Christine and I want to travel, so I need to establish business that can be managed over the internet from anywhere in the world.
So, if its' going to happen I'm going to have to stay focused, very focused.
1. CrookBack Network
The aim is to establish CrookBack Clinics run by fitness practitioners and other rehab specialists across Australia.
One of the things that needs to be finished by the end of the first working week in January is the Fix Back Pain book, which doubles as the manual for the program.
Then it is a matter of systematically adding prospective fitness practitioners to the data base keeping in touch with them, running seminars and registering them as members of the CrookBack Network.
I will attempt to seek out a partner in the USA to build a CrookBack Network there.
2. Internet marketing
My internet marketing partner, the Gavinator and I have made a healthy, though modest start on selling the health ebooks that I've written.
We've established ourselves in the back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain and ankle pain market with the www.globalbackcare.com website and a range of pages based around key words.
The challenge is now to build a suite of sites based on key word attraction, build lists, blog on, write ezine articles and gain greater prominence on the search engines.
To be added to the musculo-skeletal pain focus will be small squeeze-page sites in the health, fitness and wellbeing areas - all linked, with the aim of selling useful information at an affordable price.
Producing and advertising the next wave of ebooks will be the stimulus to get this project moving. Most of the books have been written. It's now a matter of reformatting them, getting domain names and creating the squeeze pages.
3. Corporate health programs
Corporate health programs are still my bread and butter. The Crookback Clinic seems to be the program to concentrate on because with over 50% of people having some sort of musculo-skeletal dysfunction, and because musculo-skeletal dysfunction is the major cost to workers compensation arrangements.
It is also an area in which I have expertise that other corporate health providers don't seem to have.
I love running the one day Seven Habits of Fit and Healthy people program. It's the most useful program I run and is inspiring and motivating for participants.
I'm hoping that the exposure at the NWI conference in Wisconsin in July will open up presentation opportunities in the USA.
4. FLP
This is a secret licensing program that I think is a goer.
The spade work has been done. Contacts are being made.
5. My health, fitness and wellbeing
The aim is to exercise every day, get back to 18% body fat and fit into the trousers I bought in Oxford St in 2003. Is 50 laps on the 20m run achievable? I think so.
In the short term the goal is to completely rid myself of Achilles tendonitis, something which seems to be happening.
Is it possible for me to overcome my gluttony problem? I think so.
With respect to Christine's health, fitness and wellbeing my aim is to help her get her back back into exceptionally good nick.
6. Holidays
We're going back to North America in July. I'm presenting a number of sessions at the National Wellness Institute's conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Then we'd like to take a cruise around the Mediterranean for a couple of weeks.
7. Finances
There are two goals - to be goal is to be debt free by June, and earning sufficient income each week from the projects - simple as that.
8. House
There are things that need to be done, like
- the carport and the front garden
- the two bathrooms
- the kitchen
9. Hobbies
I enjoy writing and there are a couple of books, mainly nonsense in the pipeline. In the first half of the year I'm going to spend less time fart-arsing around commenting on political issues.
10. Our families
My aim is to get to see Lisa and her family half a dozen times during the year and get to see Jo and Chris in America at least once - and to support Christine's children, Cameron and Alison in any way I can.
11. Our friends
Christine and I seem to be pretty much self-contained. But that's no excuse for not spending more time with our friends - going out with them, having them around. We love a game of 500.
On the track
40 minutes on the stepper with heart rate over 130 bpm. That's 160 aerabytes. Then we went for a swim. Weight 85.6kg.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and focused on doing the things you need to do to achieve your goals.
John Miller
I've been saying for a couple of months now that I'd like to retire on my 65th birthday in June.
By retire, I mean I can sit back and get on with doing things I want to do and which give me pleasure. It will involve a continuing interest in the projects listed below, but importantly my goal will be to have sufficient income each week to allow Christine to retire as well.
It is unlikely that Christine and I will be able to keep bread on the table through dividends from our investments. There has to be a continuing income from the projects, probably from now until kingdom come.
Anyway, I can't see myself suddenly losing interest on what has been an abiding passion since I was in high school.
Christine and I want to travel, so I need to establish business that can be managed over the internet from anywhere in the world.
So, if its' going to happen I'm going to have to stay focused, very focused.
1. CrookBack Network
The aim is to establish CrookBack Clinics run by fitness practitioners and other rehab specialists across Australia.
One of the things that needs to be finished by the end of the first working week in January is the Fix Back Pain book, which doubles as the manual for the program.
Then it is a matter of systematically adding prospective fitness practitioners to the data base keeping in touch with them, running seminars and registering them as members of the CrookBack Network.
I will attempt to seek out a partner in the USA to build a CrookBack Network there.
2. Internet marketing
My internet marketing partner, the Gavinator and I have made a healthy, though modest start on selling the health ebooks that I've written.
We've established ourselves in the back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain and ankle pain market with the www.globalbackcare.com website and a range of pages based around key words.
The challenge is now to build a suite of sites based on key word attraction, build lists, blog on, write ezine articles and gain greater prominence on the search engines.
To be added to the musculo-skeletal pain focus will be small squeeze-page sites in the health, fitness and wellbeing areas - all linked, with the aim of selling useful information at an affordable price.
Producing and advertising the next wave of ebooks will be the stimulus to get this project moving. Most of the books have been written. It's now a matter of reformatting them, getting domain names and creating the squeeze pages.
3. Corporate health programs
Corporate health programs are still my bread and butter. The Crookback Clinic seems to be the program to concentrate on because with over 50% of people having some sort of musculo-skeletal dysfunction, and because musculo-skeletal dysfunction is the major cost to workers compensation arrangements.
It is also an area in which I have expertise that other corporate health providers don't seem to have.
I love running the one day Seven Habits of Fit and Healthy people program. It's the most useful program I run and is inspiring and motivating for participants.
I'm hoping that the exposure at the NWI conference in Wisconsin in July will open up presentation opportunities in the USA.
4. FLP
This is a secret licensing program that I think is a goer.
The spade work has been done. Contacts are being made.
5. My health, fitness and wellbeing
The aim is to exercise every day, get back to 18% body fat and fit into the trousers I bought in Oxford St in 2003. Is 50 laps on the 20m run achievable? I think so.
In the short term the goal is to completely rid myself of Achilles tendonitis, something which seems to be happening.
Is it possible for me to overcome my gluttony problem? I think so.
With respect to Christine's health, fitness and wellbeing my aim is to help her get her back back into exceptionally good nick.
6. Holidays
We're going back to North America in July. I'm presenting a number of sessions at the National Wellness Institute's conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Then we'd like to take a cruise around the Mediterranean for a couple of weeks.
7. Finances
There are two goals - to be goal is to be debt free by June, and earning sufficient income each week from the projects - simple as that.
8. House
There are things that need to be done, like
- the carport and the front garden
- the two bathrooms
- the kitchen
9. Hobbies
I enjoy writing and there are a couple of books, mainly nonsense in the pipeline. In the first half of the year I'm going to spend less time fart-arsing around commenting on political issues.
10. Our families
My aim is to get to see Lisa and her family half a dozen times during the year and get to see Jo and Chris in America at least once - and to support Christine's children, Cameron and Alison in any way I can.
11. Our friends
Christine and I seem to be pretty much self-contained. But that's no excuse for not spending more time with our friends - going out with them, having them around. We love a game of 500.
On the track
40 minutes on the stepper with heart rate over 130 bpm. That's 160 aerabytes. Then we went for a swim. Weight 85.6kg.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and focused on doing the things you need to do to achieve your goals.
John Miller
GUNNA 31st December 2009
Health Blogarithm 31st December 2009
Still on Holidays in Wollongong by the sea.
Still haven't been for a swim yet.
Woz gunna do 20 minutes on the treadmill before breakfast but slept in and had to rush to pack and get all our stuff into the car before 10am when the breakfast bar closed.
Drove home via the Nowra to Braidwood rood - which isn't too bad. It's a flatter and less windy climb up the Blue Mountains than going up through Kangaroo Valley or the road from Bateman's Bay to Braidwood.
Got home and woz gunna do 30 minutes on the treadmill, but got carried away on the computer. Then we settled in for New Years eve in front of the tele, so that was that.
On the track
Nothing, for the first time in several weeks.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and we'll see what happens in the New Year.
Still on Holidays in Wollongong by the sea.
Still haven't been for a swim yet.
Woz gunna do 20 minutes on the treadmill before breakfast but slept in and had to rush to pack and get all our stuff into the car before 10am when the breakfast bar closed.
Drove home via the Nowra to Braidwood rood - which isn't too bad. It's a flatter and less windy climb up the Blue Mountains than going up through Kangaroo Valley or the road from Bateman's Bay to Braidwood.
Got home and woz gunna do 30 minutes on the treadmill, but got carried away on the computer. Then we settled in for New Years eve in front of the tele, so that was that.
On the track
Nothing, for the first time in several weeks.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and we'll see what happens in the New Year.
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