Obesity set to become a disease.
The US medical industry is toying with the idea of defining obesity as a disease.
Obesity is not a disease. Anyone who tells you that it is has a poor understanding of the definition of the word 'disease' and lacks the inability to make the distinction between a disease and a personally-generated body system dysfunction.The inability to make the distinction between a disease and a personally-generated dysfrunction describes all that's wrong with the medical industry. It's one of the reasons why the health or people in Western countries continues to decline.
Obesity is the most visible symptom of personally-generated METABOLIC DYSFUNCTION - just like adult onset diabetes is not a disease it's a symptom of a dysfunctional pancreas - usually personally-generated.
If anything obesity is a fitness and nutrition problem, not a medical problem, and you can't solve fitness and nutrition problems with medical solutions.
When your see this sort of stuff:
'... labelling obesity a “disease” could spur change and “result in greater investment by government and the private sector to develop and reimburse obesity treatments',
... you know the medical industry is angling for greater levels of protection. It's marking out it's territory for a demarcation dispute, in a way not dissimilar from dogs marking out their territory with a urine spray. It's drooling at the thought of sucking more money out of the health system.
It's a strategy to elbow out of the way practitioners of more effective treatments. They're throwing their weight around.
The medical industry has a hide in wanting to medicalize the effects of laziness, ignorance, stupidity and the attachment to the soft and comfortable way of life.
The medical industry has an appalling record in treating the personally-generated metabolic, musculo-skeletal and psychological dysfunctions. In fact. most of the time the best it can offer is junk medicine, where pills are prescribed to mask the symptoms of dysfunctions rather than restoring poor function to good.
What the medical industry still doesn't get is that it's a big ask expecting to stay healthy without keeping yourself fit - and that it's an even bigger ask expecting to get better by having someone do something to you: sooner or later you have to do something to yourself.
What this proposition is all about is encouraging people to outsource their fitness program to their doctor. It's a nonsense. I'm yet to hear of a physician taking their customers out the back and measuring how fit they are.
There are very few physicians who prescribe their customers with an exercise program - and then supervise it.
I do know of one - a doctor on Thursday Island, who ran fitness classes on the town oval three mornings a week. That's not the sort of doctoring in the minds of whose who want to elevate the status of obesity to a disease.
The further the medical industry can be kept away from the treatment of the personally-generated body system dysfunctions the better off everyone will be.
Get thee to a gym where you'll get good advice on how to keep yourself fit and healthy and a program to go with it - and supervision- and motivation.
And don't think for a moment think that the public health system has to pick up the tab for every privately-generated health problem.
Those with a death wish can keep stuffing themselves with fat, flour and sugar, (on their own or mixed with each other) and spend their day sitting or lying down. You don't have to worry about them. Just worry about yourself.
If you can reach the gold standard on the Fit-for-Work Award, I'd say you were in pretty good shape and close to your ideal weight.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and when you can do 40 laps between two lines 20m apart - in five minutes, when you can do 40 situps, 40 pressups and 40 squats, report back.
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