Thursday, February 25, 2010

JUNK MEDICINE - Monday 22nd February 2010

The drug companies are still at it, wining and dining doctors and supporting medical charities.

They even start some of these organisations. One of the impotence charities and a smoking cessation charity have been set up by drug companies. This enables them to circumvent advertising legislation. It enables them to medicalize common body system dysfunctions and foibles.

What is happening is the pharmaceutical industry is working hand in glove with sections of the medical industry. Doctors set up medical charities to feed their egos and their researchers in the sheltered workshops for the academically gifted - but all in the guise of helping their customers.

Diabetes institutes would have to be the worst of a bad bunch. Everyone knows that type 2 diabetes comes with lack of exercise and a flour and sugar diet. The treatment, pharmaceutricals

Some of the doctors and researchers get stipends from drug companies to give lectures and seminars to doctors.

It's a great big medical/pharmaceutical cesspit.

Fom the Diuabetes Australia website:

'Diabetes Australia has implemented a national partnerships strategy to advance the national diabetes agenda. National partnerships are established to: increase revenue available for research, enhance relationships with pharmaceutical companies and provide a national focus for corporate organisations, while working with stakeholders to ensure value for all.'

Nothing there about enhancing relationships with the fitness industry.

On the track.

No track today. Achilles too sore.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and steer clear of junk medicine.

John Miller

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and start up a medical charity and get a drug company to sponsor it.

FITNESS PROBLEMS - Sunday 21st February 2010

You can't solve a fitness problem with a medical solution.

Most of the reasons why people visit doctors are fitness problems. Lack of aerobic fitness is at the core of the metabolic dysfunctions. Lack of strength and flexibility is at the core 0f the musculo-skeletal dysfunctions.

The medical industry is hopeless at dealing with fitness problems. They send people to the chemist for junk pharmaceuticals.

On the track
Spent 10 minutes on the treadmill.

Felt the Achilles tightening up and spent 20 minutes on the stepper.

I am fearful that Achilles and the treadmill don't mix; disappointing because I've just had the treadmill fixed. I thought the cushioned impact of the treadmill would be gentler on my feet and legs than the pavement. Maybe I thought wrong.

In the meantime stay tuned highly tuned and don't try fix a fitness problem with a medical solution.

John Miller

HEALTH INSURANCE Saturday 20th February

The Minister for Health is allowing medical insurance premiums to rise by 6% this coming year, following a 5% increase last year. How bad is that? Inflation is running at about 2.5%.

Now, why the hell is the Minister for Health involved in the setting of insurance fees? Surely it's up to the industry to set it's own fees.

What you're seeing her is the collision of a number of factors.

1. The medical insurance industry is protected. It's become bloated and uncompetitive.

2. It is not an insurance industry. It is illegal to rate premiums against risk. The companies are acting as escrow agents - an interface between the consumer and the provider of medical services. The more they dole out to the medical industry this year the more they'll collect from mug premium holders next year.

3. Everyone who is a member of a health funds considers it a right to take more out than they paid in.

4. The cost of some procedures is rapacious - anything dental, radiological or surgical.

5. The medical industry keeps raising it's prices because it's a government supported monopoly and because its protected. That protection now extends to the insurance industry. It's all very cosy. The consumer is the loser on all counts. The higher the insurance costs the more doctors are inclined t0o put up their fees. The higher the doctors' fees the higher the insurance costs. The medical and insurance industry are chasing their own tails in an ever upward spiral.

The mug consumer is the looser. A system originally designed to help the consumer is running out of control.

6. And to top it all off, if you don't pay the insurance you can go to a public hospital for free.

How stupid must the Minister for Health be to put up with that nonsense.

On the track
A very hard workout. 60 minutes on the stepper., all over level 8. 1210 steps and 9124 calories.

Then a good strength workout in the gym.

In then meantime don't worry about staying tuned, highly tuned and don't waste time, effort and money keeping yourself fit and healthy; you pay the same health insurance as the fat and lazy!

John Miller

ATTENTION DEFICIT Friday 19th February 2010

The big news this week is that some expert in Western Australia (the ADHD capital of the world has discovered that feeding children with ADHD with amphetamine isn't the best thing to do. Well hello!

This is just another example of what happens when the medical and pharmaceutical industries take control of a non-medical problem.

If you

- coop kids up in cages all day and deprive them of the ability to race around using up surplus energy

- feed them massive doses of sugar

- feed them foods and chemical additives to which they are intolerant and allergic

- fail to give them firm but loving boundaries

There is some chance they'll become uncontrollable, particularly by

- teachers who want them to sit down and shut up all day

- parents who can't control them.

Now it may be a bit more complicated than that.

My theory is that some children who are deprived of physical activity become over-active.

In adults, those deprived of activity are more likely to become depressed. Maybe these are the ones who need the amphetamine.

In fact, I wonder whether this could become a legitimate drug therapy for depression? If you're depressed you need speeding up!

On the track
After nothing on Thursday I belted out 40 minutes on the stepper all at level 8. That's a good workout. 807 steps and 610 calories.

In the meantime stay tuned and whether you're a kid or an adult, get as much aerobic exercise as you can. If you're a kid, and leave school at 14.

John Miller

Monday, February 22, 2010

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST - Thursday February 18th 2010

It used to be 'survival of the fittest'. It's now survival of the fattest.

A pity really because quality of life gives way to metabolic, musculo-skeletal and psychological dysfunction when fitness goes out one door and fatness comes in the other.

On the track
No track today. Went out to a concert - an Eagles tribute band. Absolutely fantastic.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and train harder tomorrow.

John Miller

AEROBIC FITNESS TRAINING - Wednesday February 17th


When it comes to aerobic fitness training here's the recipe.

4 times a week is good, 5 times is better and 6 times is best.

20 minutes is good, 30 is better and 40 is best.

Heart rate of 120 beats per minute is good, 130 bpm is better and 140 bpm is best. That's based on the recommendations of any one who's around 40 years of age, but can be extended to well over 70 if you're in good nick.

On the track
O woe is me. Just turning around the McDonald's marker and I felt a twinge in the upper part of my left calf. Had to walk the rest of the way home.

Went to the gym after work and had a good workout.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, good, better, best and never let it rest, 'til your good is better and your better is best.

John Miller

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

DOCTOR SHORTAGE Tuesday 16th February 2010

I was thinking more about the doctor shortage. It's getting worse.

There are plenty of doctors out there who provide their clients with poor advice, which they accept. Their condition gets worse, they keep coming back.

The practice of junk medicine is a prime example, 'Here take this pill to mask the symptom and come back and see me when you want a repeat.'

This how the junk medical industry treats most of the metabolic and musculo-skeletal dysfunctions. Instead of telling their customers to put themselves in the hands of a fitness expert they send them over to the chemist.

It's expensive nonsense, but it's good for business. That's another reason why there's a doctor shortage. They create work for themselves, a lot of it busy work. But it pays well - something like $300 an hour, $2,400 a day, $12,000 a week. That's not bad dough for sitting on your bum in a cell writing out prescriptions.

On the track
Had a 30 minute workout on the stepper, all at level 8 (610 steps) and heart rate over 140 bpm.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and steer clear of junk medicine - the medicine that masks symptoms rather than restoring poor function to good.

John Miller

DOCTOR SHORTAGE - Monday 15th February 2010

Following on from the doctor shortage rant the other day it occurred to me that a lot of doctors provide their customers with good advice which they don't listen to. There is no action directed toward fixing up the problem.

Their condition gets worse. They keep coming back - for a drug to mask the symptom.

Sooner or later you'd think the doctor would say, 'Hit the road Jack, you're wasting my time, I'm wasting my breath and I'm not going to keep prescribing junk medicine to you.'

I mentioned this to a doctor friend of mine and she said it couldn't be done. The person might die, or worse, sue the doctor. The doctor has a duty of care.

Do they?

Strange isn't it that someone with a death wish wants to clog up the medical system and then complain their doctor won't see them.

If a person can choose who their doctor is then maybe a doctor can choose who their customers are. Silly to waste time effort and government money on someone who isn't remotely interested in spending some time and effort getting themselves back into exceptionally good shape. It's form of bludging on a system that's not designed to cope with bludgers.

Maybe we should just let Woolworths sell prescription medicines off the shelves to these people and stop the charade of having to go to the doctor and then the chemist.

On the track
Ran with the boys this morning; the McDonald's run in a new PB of 26.30. Starting to run now, not just jog.

Went to the gym in the evening with Christine for as good workout.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you've got a good doctor do whatever they tell you to do to get yourself back into to exceptionally good shape.

John Miller

VALENTINE'S DAY Sunday 14th February

It was raining.

I had a sleep in.

Alison, Christine's daughter came over.

Christine and I went to Telstra to get Alison's husband a new phone.

We buggerized around for nearly 2 hours and came out empty handed.

We had a sandwich and I think the bread gave me a headache.

Then I came home and had a snooze.

On the track
Didn't do any exercise at all. There was no track.

Oh well. It doesn't happen very often.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and every now and then take a day off and listen to the rain.

John Miller

STRENGTH TRAINING DIARY Saturday 13th of February 2010

If you're going to maintain a reasonable level of strength and muscle bulk you've got to have a good weight training routine.

Christine and I go three times a week (when we can). We went this morning and then went out for brunch.

Our routine takes a bit over 40 minutes and you can read all about it in my ebook, Strength Training Diary available at

It's a tough assignment keeping your body in reasonable alignment without a good strength training program.

And if it's out of alignment, without strong muscles to support the misalignment you're on a hiding to nothing to come down with some sort of musculo-skeletal dysfunction.

For instance strong trunk muscles, front, back and core act as a corset to brace your spinal column. Without it you're in big strife.

In the meantime stay tuned highly tuned and keep pumping that iron.

John Miller

DOCTOR SHORTAGE - Friday 12th February 2010

Every time you open the paper you read about a doctor shortage.

What shortage?

If everyone kept themselves fit and healthy to the best of their ability you could halve the time a doctor needs to spend in the surgery.

The original meaning of the word doctor was 'teacher'. Well that's gone out the window to be replaced by 'prescriber'.

It's because they're not trained to teach that people keep coming back. They're not taught how to look after themselves.

It's a lurk.

So fit people; halve the number of visits to the doctor.

Then there are the professions that could do some of the work doctors try to do standing on their head.

Chemists could cut the doctor's work by 20%. The doctor should make the diagnosis and the chemist prescribe the right medicine and manage the repeats.

Nurses could slice another 20% off - giving jabs, bandaging, doing minor pathology test, weighing babies ...

Fitness practitioners could cut another 20% off particularly when it came to the treatment of the metabolic and musculo-skeletal dysfunctions.

20% would disappear over night if people made a bee-line for the psychologist and the counsellor.

So what's stopping all this from happening? - industry protection. All industries aren't equal when it comes to doling out health advice.

The government could slash its health bill in half if it started protecting some of the other therapeutic modalities. Currently there is a monopoly on health services due to the protection held by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Their services appear to cheaper than those of other industries.

On the track
Sheesh I was tired this morning after driving home from Newcastle, but still went out and ran the McDonalds course at a reasonable clip.

In the meantime stray tuned, highly tuned and don't go to doctors for things doctors can't fix as well as someone else.

John Miller

Monday, February 15, 2010

TRAVELLING MAN - Thursday 11th February 2010

I started off the day in Newcastle running a Seven Habits of Fit and Healthy People seminar for 15 or so OH&S executives. A really good bunch, they weren't in bad shape.

They willingly did the 20m run test of aerobic fitness. It's a fundamental measure of how healthy you are.

Pity there's not a doctor in the country who will ever take their customers out the back and watch them walk, shuffle and jog for 5 minutes. That's too hard. Surgeries are sweat-free zones.

Anyway to cut a long story short I find it difficult to discipline my eating on these trips.

I did, for the first time ever purchase a bottle of water on the trip up the night before.

On the way back to Canberra I was tired and stopped for a bite and a coffee half way between Newcastle and Sydney. The donut was irresistible.

Then I had a sleep. Then I stopped for a drink and arrived home about seven hours after I left Newcastle. it should take about 5 hours.

On the track
There was no track. It's hard to leave for work at 7am, get back home at 11.00pm and find time for the track.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and do your level best to steer clear of junk food when you travel.

John Miller

KEEPING FIT - Wednesday February 10th 2010

In all the hot air sprayed around about how hopeless the health system is, never does one hear a word about how fit and healthy people are.

It's like the carbon emission's debate. The government points the finger at the big polluters. The big polluters is us.

We had a chap come to our house to look at our energy use.

He told ups that by converting to solar hot water heating we could cut our energy usage by a third. Sheesh, if everyone did that we wouldn't need a carbon trading scheme.

Then he pointed out we can get an interest free loan from the government to connect up a solar energy collector that feeds energy back into the grid at highly favourable terms.

Never, in your wildest dreams will you hear about a government initiative that gives people the incentive to get themselves back into exceptionally good shape.

Too hard. It discriminates against the weak-willed and the lazy! It will take food out of the mouths of doctors and bureaucrats.

On the track
Ran this morning with the boys. Getting better. 27.43 for the McDonalds run.

I'm thinking I need new shoes.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and do something for the health system; keep yourself fit and healthy to the best of your ability.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


If we’re going to improve the health of people in our community we need to gracefully run down a bloated, highly protected and inefficient medical industry.

We need to see a thousand health, fitness and recreational flowers bloom.

We need to restructure the health insurance system to give favour to the fit and healthy and encouragement to the unfit and unhealthy to become fitter and healthier - at the same time erecting a safety net that supports the chronically ill, the disabled and the disadvantaged.

Do that and you’d cut Australian governments’ medical bills by 50%.

Meanwhile the governments of Australia continue to pour more and more money down the medical black hole. With ever billion they flush down the system there's a call for an other billion to follow it.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
The Rod Laver Government threatens to take over public hospitals if the States don't run them more efficiently. If they do that it will only pass this quagmire of inefficiency from state hands to Commonwealth hands. Nothing with change. The community will still be called on to spend more and more money.

My advice; sell the damn things. Let the medical industry run it's own cathedrals. Let a thousand hospitals bloom. Let the market place manage and regulate itself. Government boffins in grey cardigans have shown how ineptly they can run these institutions. It's not something government does well - or should be doing, any more than governments should be running banks, power utilities and airlines.

Let's get some healthy competition going between the companies who run the hospitals so prices start coming down.

Let's divorce the medical system from the welfare system once and for all.

On the track
There was no track.

I was ready to go to the gym after work and Christine came home, stuffed after a long day. Solidarity comes before exercise. We went to the shops.

Christine made up a cold meat and salad plate for tea (and cut up a bowl of fruit salad for the moening). I keep telling her she should go on My Kitchen Rules. I reckon she could win. Last week they had a couple of sisters on who took an hour and a half to prepare the main course and then over cooked the lamb. Christine could bury them.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and do your best to steer clear of the medical system. You'll do yourself, your overworked doctor and your country a service.

John Miller

HEALTH WITHOUT FITNESS IS DEAD Monday 8th february 2010

If faith without works is dead, then it's an absolute certainty that health without fitness is dead and buried.

Any government that doesn't have fitness as the foundation of its health policy and puts all its health eggs into the medical basket is nuts.

It's just squandering public money. It's not right that money is taken out of the pockets of the fit and healthy to subsidize medical treatments for the unfit and unhealthy.

Ethically it's not right that governments should do this, or that people should expect it. Being part of a community that has a medical safety net means you're obligated to keeping yourself fit and healthy to the best of your ability.

On the track
Went out with the boys and ran a new course, the McDonald's run. Felt a bit tired from the workouts on the week end, but am determined to maintain this slightly longer circuit.

It works like this. Peter from two doors up joins Peter (from across the road) and me at 6.45am. We walk 20m and pick up Noel, then walk a couple of hundred metres to pick up Frank. Then we do the Namatjira circuit following the paths laid out by the ACT Government.

If I run all or part of the way I have to make the circuit a bit longer, hence the McDonald's run.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and get out early in the morning for a blud warmer.

John Miller

THE HEALTH SYSTEM - Sunday 7th February 2010

Every time someone spouts off in the papers about the need to improve the health system you know they're talking about the medical system. And when they do that you're usually talking through the back of their neck. Likely as not they;ll be connecteed to the medical industry in some way. Rarely do they declare their self-interest.

Usually they'll be seeking greater protection for a bloated and inefficient medical industry that's proven itself to be useless when it comes to improving the health of the community.

Few people give a stuff about their own health. That's why 50% of people have a crook back and 80% of adults would be scratching to run 40 laps of the 20m course in 5 minutes.

A free medical system doesn't necessarily discourage people from keeping themselves in good shape. On the other hand, the way its run definitely hasn't encouraged people to keep themselves in exceptionally good shape.

Instead of 80% of people being in good shape, 80% of people are in bad shape. No free medical system can cope with millions of people traipsing through its doors in bad shape.

All a medical system can do is dose them up with junk pharmaceuticals, send them home and wait for them to come back in even worse condition.

A free medical system is doomed to bankrupt a country where people don't give a stuff about their health. You can't have a health insurance system - either privately funded or publicly underwritten that doesn't rate premiums against risk, which doesn't have obligations on both the insured (to keep themselves in good shape) or the insurer (to pay up when people become sick.)

Most claims on the medical system are not for people who are sick; they're for people who are dysfunctional, who've let small problems become big problems. There are few insurance schemes that can withstand the onslaught of self-inflicted dysfunctions.

People can't have it both ways. They can't keep themselves in dreadful shape and expect someone else to pay for the treatment. It's unsustainable.

On the track
Had a very good workout on the stepper, very good. 40 minutes at level 8 and 9, all over 140 bpm.

Did 851 steps (anything over 800 in 40 minutes is a good workout, and used up 651 Calories. Weighed 84.4 Kg.

Then went to the gym for a good strength workout.

Chest puffing out. Progress is being made.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and don't expect the medical system to pay for the junk medications to mask the symptoms of the dysfunctions you're not prepared to fix yourself.

John Miller

Sunday, February 7, 2010

ICE IS NICE - Saturday 6th February 2010

On the track
Had a very good run this morning. Time for the Namatjira run, 23.34, about a minute and a half quicker than previously. The run with David Beard must have had an effect. I felt I was running not jogging.

I read about - and have seen - athletes standing in garbage bins full of iced water after exercise.

I decided to do it after the run.

Got a couple of waste paper bins, filled them up with water and put in some ice.

Later in the day I bought some garbage bins so I can get my calves iced as well as my Achilles.

I'll report back on how it goes.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you get tight calf muscles after exercises, stick them in the ice bucket.

John Miller

CHOCOLATE MILK - Friday 5th February 2010

I've been trying to lose weight - trying being the operative word.

I found out that even skim milk is pretty hefty in the kilojoule stakes so decided to make my protein shakes with water.

I've noticed a distinct difference by cutting out the milk.

Was in the supermarket and read the label and found out that a litre of chocolate milk contains 3,450 kilojoules, about half the energy requirements for the day. Cool hey. They sell it in 2 Litre containers. I bet some people down the lot in a day.

On the track
In Adelaide. Got up early but spent the time writing an article.

But, I walked halfway across the city. Heart Foundation will be pleased.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and lay off the chocolate milk.

John Miller

ASPARTAME 951 - Thursday February 4th 2010

Is aspartame safe? Yes. FSANZ and other international regulatory agencies have concluded that aspartame is safe.

End of story? Nope.

I overheard a couple of women talking about the effects of Aspartame on some of their friends today. One spoke of a remarkable turn-around after cutting out diet drinks altogether.

So I did some investigation on the internet.

Go to Janet Hull's website and see for yourself the list of body system dysfunctions she says is caused by aspartame.

Aspartame is the common denominator for over 92 different health systems at the root of modern diseases.

Hull's Aspartame Detoxification Program demonstrates the most effective way to reverse disease symptoms is removing the underlying cause - aspartame.

Incidentally, Aspartame was developed by G. D. Searle in Skokie, Illinois (which was bought out by Monsanto). The CEO of G.D. Searle who pushed aspartame through the FDA was Donald Rumsfeld. That just about says it all.

You'll get a very good overview at Robert Mercola's site - and from this one by Victoria Inness_brown.

I've started an aspartame detox.

On the track
In Adelaide with David Beard. Went for an early morning run around the Torrens. It was a run not a jog and a good one at that. David's in better shape that I am. 20 minutes of satisfying running.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and steer clear of aspartame.

John Miller

Friday, February 5, 2010

DOCTORS SHITBAG NURSES Wednesday 3rd February 2010

The Revive nurse practitioner organisation has established a clinic down at Tuggeranong.Guess who's shit-bagging it.

A report in the local rag quotes the ACT Division of General Practice (barking dog of the medical and drug industries) as saying that 'lives would be put at risk by having a nurse treating patients.'

This is just plain dreadful. It's scare-mongering. It's shit-bagging a division of the health industry that the medical industry couldn't survive without. The Executive of the ACTDGP must be mad!

The ACT Division of General Practice, an organisation set up to provide doctors with the professional development training they don't seem to be able to provide themselves (and subsidized by the Commonwealth and ACT Governments to the tune of a couple of million bucks a year) has been vocal in lobbying the ACT Government for more doctors.

They keep bleating that doctors are over worked, and yet as soon as someone sets up a nurse clinic to do the stuff that drover's dogs could do, which nurses do best and doctors don't need to do at all, the Division goes ape.

The ACT Government has even put up the money to employ some one to scrounge around for more doctors for chrissakes. It's also paying an exorbitant amount of rate-payer's funds to subsidize a medical degree at the Australian National University.

It's now time for the ACT Government to withdraw funding from the Division. Doctors are quite capable of funding their own professional development. With a couple of million less in the kitty they'll have less staff to write blistering press releases shit-bagging nurses.

Anyway the only seminars doctors will go these days are the slap up silver service dinners at the Hyatt provided by the drug industry. That's why 80% of the doctors in Canberra are practicing junk medicine - treating symptoms with drugs and not prescribing treatments which restore poor function to good.

The Division of General Practice has been singularly inept in diverting doctors away from the practice of junk medicine. It's time the ACT Government divorced itself from this tawdry, medico-centric organisation.

Anyway here's the guts of the Division's press release shit-bagging the nursing industry.

'GP's cannot support any stand alone, nurse led clinic that attempts to substitute for a more collaborative model of care. Widely recognised is that patients enjoy improved health outcomes when they are treated with coordinated, continuous, comprehensive patient-centric care, delivered by an appropriate team of health professionals.'

I would have thought it quite appropriate for nurses to run 'Mothers and Babies' clinics, dress wounds, stitch up simple cuts, draw blood, dispense repeat prescriptions to hypertensives, diabetics and arthritics and tell people to go home to bed and take and Aspro when they have the flu. They could give out medical certificates for things like the flu and save people the bother of traipsing through the surgery and forking out $80 for the pleasure.

I would have thought it quite appropriate for people to bypass the surgery altogether for most health complaints, collect $200 and go straight to the nursery(!) or the gym when they have a crook back, any of the metabolic dysfunctions and feel shidhouse.

The only collaboration GP's want is the collaboration between the medical industry and the drug industry. They certainly don't want to co-operate with the fitness industry. That's competition! They obviously don't want to co-operate with the nursing industry either. That's competition too!

Reading between the lines of the ACTDGP press release, doctors will only collaborate with the nursing industry as long as they get their $80, and as long as they employ the nurses in a servile role.

Anyway, I say the more nursing clinics the better. Doctors will get home in time for the news.

The medical industry has become a giant, over-protected, bloated slug. It's time the Government worked out the difference between health and medical; time it restricted doctor's access to the provider numbers of some of the treatments that can be more effectively and more cheaply dispensed by other health industry groups.

Then we would only have to put up with doctors bleating about how poor they are, not how over-worked they are.

Plus the Division of General Practice is talking through the seat of its pants when it says: 'that patients enjoy improved health outcomes when they are treated with coordinated, continuous, comprehensive patient-centric care, delivered by an appropriate team of health professionals.'

Substitute the word 'doctor' when you see the phrase 'appropriate team of health professionals'.We know that's bunkum, because while the medical industry has been at the hub of health services the health of the Australian community has got progressively worse.

The nurses union should request that its members withdraw their services to the medical industry until the ACT Division of General Practice publishes a public apology. The nurses union should embark on a concerted campaign to encourage more nurses to set up in private practice and take more customers off the over-worked doctors.

As an aside don’t you just love the alliteration; ‘coordinated, continuous, comprehensive patient-centric care.’ Sounds like something that could only have been written by Hill Knowlton!

On the track
I got up early and flew to Adelaide. All I did was walk up and down Hindley street when I went for tea. So put it down as a very mild day. The Heart Foundation would have given me a pat on the back. Two 10-minute walks; I must be getting fitter.

John Miller

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FIX BACK PAIN Tuesday February 2nd 2010

Just been to the printer and picked up 50 copies of my new book, Fix Back Pain. I'm as pleased as punch.

I've been slaving away at it all January; had a heap more drawings done and added chapters on neck pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, hip pain, knee pain and calf, Achilles and shin pain.

It's looking good and will form the basis of revisions to the ebooks available from and the CrookBack Clinic practitioner's training program.

The insight I had while writing it was that you can't fix a fitness problem with a medical solution.

A very high proportion of musculo-skeletal dysfunction is personally generated by bodies that are weak and tight.

In a way that's good news because you can loosen and strengthen your body off without much effort.

In fact most of the exercises to loosen your body can be done in front of the TV, either sitting up or lying down.

On the track
Got up early to finish some work off and went for a run around 8am.

Did the full Namatjira run this morning in 24.01. I reckon it must be close on 4km, so it's not quite in the Ron Clarke class, but it's getting better and Achilles is holding up.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and don't try to fix fitness problems with medical solutions.

John Miller

GREEN TEA - Monday February 1st 2010

Moving my office back home has been a godsend.

I can work when I like, any hour of the day without having to go out.

I was hesitant at first, thinking I might loll around in bed half the day, and keep raiding the fridge and the cupboards, but I can tell you it's been quite the opposite.

Over the last few months I've been drinking more green tea.

I read somewhere its good for you. I think it might be. It keeps fluid flowing through me and fills me up, so I eat less.

I don't drink much coffee, just a flat white now and then when I'm out with Christine. In fact I don't think I've had a cup of coffee at home for more then 6 months. I can't remember when the last one was.

On the track
After yesterday I was a flat as a tack. Went walking with the boys and struggled to break into a jog ands then struggled to keep going.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and drink more green tea.